The best Chicken friend rice with 2 secret ingredients 加了秘密材料的雞絲炒飯


My parents used to run a Chinese takeaway in England, and whilst I didn't work in the kitchen, I know a thing or two about cooking awesome Chinese food. Today, I'm going to show you how to make a superpops yummilicious chicken fried rice which includes two secret ingredients that you won't find in your normal takeway.
以前家裏在英國開中式外賣店, 雖然我沒有在廚房裏工作,但對於煮餐也略懂一二。 今天為大家介紹雞絲炒飯,加了兩個秘密材料。

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First of all, here's the ingredients, this is for two people. On bottom left is a whole chicken leg which I've deboned, sliced and marinated. Don't slice the chicken into too big slices as you don't want a mouthful of just chicken and no rice. Then I have two eggs, you need to beat that. Leftover rice for two people. Don't use freshly cooked rice to make fried rice as it is too sticky and difficult to stir fry. And finally, bottom right is the other ingredients, spring onions and my two secret ingredients. The first one is two rings of tinned pineapple cut into small pieces. I'm going to keep my second secret ingredient ... secret for the time being.
雞絲炒飯材料固然有雞蛋,雞絲和飯。 飯不要用新鮮剛煮好的,會很難炒。最好是隔了 一兩天的冷飯。 雞絲要切小口, 因為炒飯要快,太大份的雞絲會難熟。另外兩樣祕密材料,第一是鳳梨碎片,可以增加層次感和帶出淡淡的清香。 第二樣祕密材料是熟的雞皮,要切絲。 滑滑的雞皮加到炒飯裡能讓每一口炒飯都變得更軟滑。 最後要蔥花少許。


Making fried rice is actually dead easy, and only takes around 6 minutes. It took me 8 minutes as that included faffing around taking photos. And I had to take the photos very quick to avoid burning my rice, that's why some of the photos are a bit blurry.
做法很簡單首先把雞絲下鑊,外表炒至熟時加些少蛋。 這個時候加蛋,純粹是因應客人要求。 老外賣蛋炒飯沒見到明顯一片片雞蛋會覺得被欺騙,所以通常我們都會炒一些蛋花在飯裡。 之後可以加飯。 冷飯炒大概二至三分鐘就會變得軟熟,這時可以加鹽巴和醬油調味。跟著把餘下的蛋加到飯上炒,動作要快否則飯會變乾不好吃。最後把鳳梨碎片,雞皮絲和蔥花倒入鑊裡攪拌。

1 Chicken, and egg to show

First of all, stir fry the chicken in a little oil. Once the outside is cooked (you don't need to fully cook it yet) add a bit of beaten egg in it. This is purely for show. When we sold egg fried rice in our takeaway, some customers get a bit funny if they can't see any egg bits in their rice and think we're conning them. That's why we always add some egg bits to make sure it can be seen. Exactly how much egg you add depends on how much egg you want to see. The real egg in egg friend rice comes later.


2 The rice in the fried rice

Next add the rice. If your rice feels a bit chunky, fork it loose first as that makes it easier to stir fry evenly. Toss your rice around and try to keep it all in the frying pan, not outside!! In a couple of minutes you'll feel the texture of the rice go soft. Now you can season your fried rice with some salt.

3 Here comes the egg

Now you need to work pretty quick. Pour the rest of the egg all over the rice. You'll see I've tossed the rice over in the second photo and the egg has cooked already. Keep stirring till the egg is mixed in with the rice. If you work quick enough, most of the rice should be coated in egg, and that's what makes a nice egg fried rice. You don't need to worry about the chicken, they will cook at the same time. Now you can add the final seasoning. I just added some light soy sauce. You can add dark soy sauce as well if you want, just use it sparingly.


4 The Secret Ingredients

Just a few more touches and we'll be done in one more minute. Now it's time to add our secret ingredients. The first is pineapple pieces. Pineapple adds another layer of texture to the fried rice, and if you have fresh pineapple the aroma is just remarkable. The second secret ingredient is the white bits just below the pineapple. This is a bit naughty and not to everyone's liking, they are blanched chicken skin!! Chicken skin is a bit fatty, and when it mixes in with the fried rice you get some mouthful which is silky smooth. If you haven't tried this before, you definitely should!!


5 Final touch

Finally, sprinkle the spring onion and mix it in the rice. If you have sesame sauce, you can add a little bit in now.

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And here's my Chicken Fried Rice with the two secret ingredients, ready in 8 minutes (6 if you don't take any photos!)

Bon appetit!





You can never go wrong with chicken and rice! I love this food! I usually add some corn too :)


Yes, corn adds some bite to it as well. It's great that you can add whatever you want, as long as the fried rice is cooked nicely and doesn't get too dry


Interesting that you also drop the eggs in later and cook it as one. Generally in Thailand, they cook the egg first, set it aside and add it near the end but I add mine raw into the mix because I also like it to coat the rice although a well known Thai chef recently did a YT video that caused great debate as he also did it this way and so now it seems, I am trendy!
Pineapple? I'm not even going to comment....I bet you eat Hawaiian Pizza too!!
Chicken Skin? ......jury is out!
Hope you're still safe and sane :-)


See! The best chefs mix the raw egg in with the rice, you didn't need me or the Thai chef to tell you that!
And what's not to love about Hawaiian Pizza? In fact, I might add some chicken skin to it next time 😃

All is still well here thanks, despite Bojo & Co still playing catch up in testing and mandatory quarantine for people coming into the country. Other than that, everyone still trotting along nicely. You take care yourself!


That lo9ks great. We had Chinese takeaway the other day and I nearly DIED at the bright red sweet and sour sauce for prawn balls. So sweet. British Chinese is a thing into itself!
