Amazon Prime Day Sale! | Amazon Prime 大特賣

Hi Everyone/ 大家好,

The lethal Amazon Prime Day sale ran for 2 days and this falls during the HF24 on Hive. The sales are dangerous, they are cheap with big discounts and when you see a sale and don’t buy it, you feel like you are missing out. Just a few hours being online, I bought a whole heap of stuff and I guess this opening is to show you the useful stuff I bought and hopefully got myself a good deal. The sale is limited to Amazon Prime subscribers and as some of you may know from reading my blog, I buy quite regularly on Amazon so it makes sense we join Prime.

每次 Amazon有大特賣我都會買好多東西.尤其是今次兩天的特賣日期剛剛好是 Hive 硬分叉的時候所以很自然不上 Hive 就去找其他東西看看. 過了幾個小時的網上購物買了一堆東西.今次這個大特賣專門給 Amazon Prime 會員所以很多是減價的價錢非常吸引.


Delivery was super fast and arrived after a day of ordering. Talk about service here! They didn’t use that many plastic this time with the box so which was ok and my items were not damaged. Sometimes they use too many plastic which I prefer not to but then it is to protect the goods so I guess they had no choice. Yep lots of goodies there.

等了一天貨已經送到在家.服務真是很快而且今次包裝沒有用了太多塑料包裝比起之前的包裹進步很多. 其實都要看看買什麼東西來判斷用多少來保護產品所以有時候用多了都冇可避免.今次買了特別多東西所以想跟大家分享一下.


First will be my skincare products. 2 face cleansing oil, one for mum and one for myself. Made by The Face Shop in Korea, I haven’t used this brand cleansing oil but read good reviews about it so thought I’ll give it a go. I’ve used The Face masks before and they were good so I hope my skin will react fine to it. The white bottle is a face exfoliator. I bought one previously and it didn’t do anything so I want to try if this one will work especially the great reviews it has. The green bottle is the aloe vera cream from Nature Republic in Korea. Have used it before so it is just something to buy since it was on a big discount!

首先是我的護膚品.先買兩支韓國 The Face Shop牌子洗面油.未用過這個牌子的洗面油但試過用他們的面膜感覺不錯所以可以試試.另外就買了一隻日本做的洗臉磨砂,這個磨砂網上評價比較高而且減價都想試好不好用再可以推介給大家.另外就買了一罐 cream. 之前用過 Nature Republic 這個牌子,所以要買多一罐做後備.


Hubby got some gadgets and his favourite enelope batteries. He seems to be buying batteries a lot, not sure why but it seems to have a use for them! Summer is coming so I thought we should get a bottle of after sun gel with was soooooo cheap I don’t need to explain.

這些是老公的小玩意加一排電心.不知道為什麼他常常都是買電. 他說因為家裏有太多電器所以要買多一些來做後備. 之後有一支是夏天用來保護皮膚的, 夏天澳洲特別熱和晒所以可以用這個產品減少對皮膚曬傷的痛楚.



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Lastly, the best thing apart from the skincare I think would be the Animal Cross game. It was half price and only 1 game per person is allowed. It’s such a great discount. We heard great things about the game and I can’t wait to play this. It has multiplayer mode so maybe can play this with the kids when we have it all set up. There we go, lots of great discounts and there are more coming these few days! Yes we did buy a lot!

最後我們買了一個新遊戲, Animal Crossing.這個遊戲是半價所以每個用戶只可以買一份.在網上看見很多網友玩這個遊戲評價不錯所以都想試試.這個遊戲可以有幾個人一齊玩所以會同小朋友研究怎樣玩.這幾樣東西都是第一日的包裹,後幾日會陸續有好多東西寄到我們家.



animation by @catwomanteresa

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The packaging for online shopping is never environment friendly.
Ah... the sticky aloe vera cream.


I have to agree as they normally want to ensure no damage when items arrives... you used the aloe vera cream before??



Yes, the cool sticky feeling. It's supposed to be good for healing too.


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