Baby M's Worries & My Learning Curve | BB M 的憂慮

Hi Everyone/ 大家好,

Baby M is turning 4 in a few months and recently he has been a bit more independent as well as wanting to have his own things around him. Don’t get me wrong, we have two sets of everything between the boys but somehow he still feels that he needs to share or inherit things from Baby E because he is the younger sibling. We buy him plenty of things brand new, toys, clothes, books but I still have a feeling he doesn’t believe us. Until this week, we finally got through to him that whatever is his, is his but he should also share with Baby E and nobody would take the ownership from him. This all started with a box of Lego.

BB M 就快四歲最近覺得他開始獨立而且好在意有自己的玩具. 唔好誤會,我們好公平, 每次買東西都會買一樣給兩兄弟但不知道為何 BB M 覺得他玩的玩具都是二手或者是 BB E 不要的東西留給了他. 今個星期我們終於令到 BB M 明白我們買給他的東西是他不是二手或者別人不要的東西. 一切都是從一盒樂高開始.


He was at home yesterday while Baby E was at school so we thought we should let him open a new box of Lego. He is a bit young for the ones we have but we found one that is suitable for his level which is not part of the Duplo family. He was really into the set, he listened carefully, he made sure he made all the pieces corrected, he asked questions. Because my mum came too pick him up to go to her place, he said 3 times don’t let anyone touch his set and he will be back to finish it off. The little man is afraid someone will finish it for him or pack everything away without giving him a chance.

昨天 BB M 在家裏因為哥哥要返學所以就讓他開了一盒新樂高. 他年紀比較小所以揀了一盒適合他年齡不是平常玩開的 Duplo. 他好鍾意這盒Lego. BB M 慢慢聽爸爸教他怎樣玩,問很多問題而且慢慢將積木放在一齊. 因為我媽咪之後到我家接 BB M 到她家玩,BB M 講了三次告訴我們不要讓任何人碰他的樂高他會回來完成了.這個小孩害怕有人幫他完成或收拾好不讓他玩但我們應承不會碰的.




When we went to pick him up last night, the first thing he asked was about his Lego. We assured him that nobody has touched it, everything was in the same place and when we get home, we will finish some parts off. When we arrived home, he was sure to run over to the table to check. We assure him what we said will stay and don’t need to worry at all. He finally understood that we treat him equally the same and he doesn’t get the short end of the stick. He was so happy and this morning he was still proud of his Lego masterpiece. Every kid is different and we didn’t have this issue with Baby E, I am still learning to be a mum every day.

昨晚去媽咪家吃飯的時候他第一個問題就問我們有冇人碰過他的玩具.我和老公兩個都說應承過他的東西就會做到. 他回家第一時間就到枱上看看自己的玩具. 之後我們再跟他解釋媽咪爸爸應承他的東西就會做到,我們給他的玩具是他的但要跟哥哥或別人分享而且不是每一樣東西都給他都是別人不要的所以要放心. 教小朋友真是每一個都不一樣, 以前 BB E 都不會是這樣所以我還在慢慢學做兩個小朋友的媽咪.




animation by @catwomanteresa

Travelgirl pic.jpeg

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All photos & videos are taken by me & co in all my blogs/stories unless quoted.


Baby M Sure loves his Lego's, thanks pops and ma for getting him one.


wow the younger one is 4 already! I guess cos you always referred to them as babies I didn't know how old they were haha.
I'm not looking forward to the day my boys start to fight over the same things 😅


Yeah I started blogging when he was a baby (6 months) so thought I just continue on with his blogging alias hahaha. He is turning 4 in a few months! How are you going anyways with the boys, can't believe you still have time to game!! lol



Haha I treat it like semi side hustle lol.. I game for the sake of the video 😛 and it should only take less than half an hour each time. (I do it when hubby takes baby for a walk haha)
