Children These Days Are Very Fortunate | 現時的小朋友好幸福

Hi Everyone / 大家好,

When Baby M was born, Baby E wasn’t too happy he didn’t get the attention like he used to. As years go by, they have become really good friends to a point they are like best buddies. They share toys with each other, share food and Baby E have started teaching his brother new skills and knowledge he has learnt from school.

BB M 出世的時候,BB E 其實不是很喜歡他因為知道現在有細佬大家都會給他少一點注意力. 但漸漸相處後,兩兄弟越嚟越好朋友.兩個都會分享對方的玩具,分享食物而且近期 BB E 開始教細佬一些在學校學到的生字.

This year Baby E started kindy and have started sight words. After he learnt some of the words he will teach them to Baby M. That’s a great way for them to bond and develop some patience with each other. Here Baby E goes through the golden sight words with Baby M early in the morning. Nice and fresh in bed and we are nearly done after a week. I am so glad how well this going so far, baby M will be well ahead when he starts school.

今年 BB E 開始讀幼稚園而其中一樣東西就要學就是 "sight words", 類似常用生字. 他學識之後就回家教 BB M 怎樣讀每個生字. 透過這類活動兩兄弟都有學會一點東西.哥哥就會學識怎樣有耐性而細佬就會學識一些生字. 這幅相片就是其中一個早上在床上溫習生字拍的.


The other thing Baby M is back to doing is his painting on ceramics. He loves his art and have started to paint while the other one is at school. I didn’t used to get these art supplies when I was young due to limited resources and everything was pretty expensive back in the days. I feel like our kids are more fortunate than we were with all the things they get and the opportunities they receive at such a young age.

最近開始 BB M 又開始在陶瓷上圖顏色. 之前都有跟大家提過他很喜歡藝術之類的東西所以家裏都有一些讓他自由發揮. 我自己小時候沒有這類東西因為以前都好貴而且選擇不多所以只會有一些顏色筆和一些簡單的美術用品.其實我覺得現在的小朋友非常幸福,有充足的資源而且不同的學習機會希望將出到社會工作的時候會有些幫助.




animation by @catwomanteresa

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