Saturday Is Now Our Sport Day | 星期六已經變了小朋友的運動日

Hi Everyone,

The weekend has now become so busy it’s more tiring that working. Baby M has started his sports classes this week so our weekend is officially taken over by the kid’s activity. I am aiming to keep them all on the one day so at least we have 1 weekend day free so we can sleep in, hang out and enjoy the day. Sports day also means we need to wake up earlier than normal weekday so we normally have to get Baby E out for soccer by 8am at the latest where as school days, we can leave at 8.45am.

我們的週末越來越忙因為今個星期 BB M 正式有他自己的運動班. 我盡量都會放兩個小朋友的活動在同一天因為可以剩下一天給我們一家可以在家玩或同朋友聚會等等.其實有這些活動比返工更加辛苦因為我們要八點前出門口但如果返學的時候可以 8:45am 出門口都不會遲到.


Baby M’s sport class is aimed at pre-school kids. The term normally has 10 weeks and introduce a new sport every fortnight therefore a term you would be exposed to 5 sports. The aim of these classes is not the train you to be the next superstar, it’s more to expose the kids to different sports, equipment and skills to allow them to have fun and move around. This week, Baby M played soccer and he loved it! He sat down carefully listening to instructions and followed the course well. He really enjoyed his class as this is his first activity apart from going to daycare.

先講講 BB M 的運動班. 今次幫她報這一間公司是專門教幼稚園班的小朋友. 每一個學期大概會有10個星期而每兩個星期就會教他們一樣新運動所以一個學期會教五樣運動. 其實這一班不是訓練小朋友做‘明日之星’只是希望讓他們接觸不同的運動,運動規則等等.今個星期 BB M 就學了足球,他非常鍾意!他好安靜留意教練教大們的動作而且這個運動班是他第一個課外活動所以他特別緊張和興奮.


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Baby E’s soccer game was fun today. Although they lost but very little, everyone tried their best. The whole team’s skills have improved and Baby E saved a few goals. I find he is more a defence than attack player but I guess he is still learning the ropes of the game. He does have a tendency of just kicking the ball and let it roll rather than run after it so we need to improve that with him. Baby E is one of the youngest in the team so the other players are a little more bigger than him but that has not stopped him from his performance. I hope both kids will continue to love their sports and our hard work of waking up early is well worth it.

今個星期 BB E 足球比賽雖然輸了場波但大家玩得非常開心.整隊球員的技術越來越好而今次 BB E 救了幾個球所以對家的分數贏了不是很多.我發覺 BB E 通常會踢走個球之後就不會繼續跑所以要慢慢教他要一邊踢一邊跑希望這幾個星期會有一點進步. BB E 是整隊之中其中最年紀小的一個但這一點沒有影響他跟其他隊友玩而且有時候比其他隊友跑得快踢得大力.希望兩個小朋友可以從這些課外活動學了一些東西不會浪費我和老公為他們犧牲寶貴睡覺時間.




animation by @catwomanteresa

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