Travelgirl’s Plants Thriving in Spring ~ | Travelgirl 種東西的進度

Hi Everyone/ 大家好,

1 month into spring and my plants are thriving. Today I had a look at how things are going and to my surprise, everything survived and growing so well! This is my first year as a “farmer” according to my friends and after my success with beans and garlic, I have started doing new plants include basil & tomatoes. Let me show you how it’s going.

春天第一個月已經過了而我幾個星期前種一些蔬菜現在長得很快. 今年是我第一年開始種東西所以都有點興奮.之前種豆和蒜頭非常成功所以今次就想試試種一些蕃茄和羅勒.


Firstly, my tomatoes are doing well from just using old tomato from the fridge. I have 3 patches and 3 of them have small bits growing which I will need to seperate later and get them to grow up. These are cherry tomatoes left over from the fridge from a week ago. They are doing well with lots of sun and water.

先介紹我種得蕃茄. 一個禮拜前就開始種,現時看起來都不錯.這些種子是來自一些舊蕃茄所以看見開始有成績都覺得開心.這一個星期,我不停淋水而且天氣比較熱喝有猛太陽所以有幫助種子成長.




The other thing I’ve been planting well is basil. I got these seeds from friends and they are doing so well. there are 3 plants there and have survived the harsh wind a few nights ago. My beans next to it is doing ok.

另外我開始種羅勒. 這些種子是朋友送給我的. 現在我種了三棵都覺得不錯所以都會繼續種一些過一個月就可以用. 隔壁這些豆看起來都不錯.



Finally my shallots are doing so well! Selling at $2.50 for a small bunch at the shops, I am glad I have them growing in my garden and can also share them around the family as I have so many. I normally use them to steam fish but with the rate they are growing, I probably will need to use them for shallot pancakes. I’ll be planting more things this coming week hopefully can see some great fresh produce in the months ahead.

最後我這些蔥是最成功的. 現時在外面每一紮蔥賣 $2.50 所以剛剛好家裏有就不用要買.因為種蔥的成績非常好所以現時可以跟家人分享一些. 看起來天氣熱會長得更快所以應該會做一些蔥油餅否則蔥都會用不完.下星期會陸續種不同蔬菜,到時候會跟大家分享.

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animation by @catwomanteresa

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