AWOL - Dealing with the Enemy!


It feels kind of strange sitting at my desk after being AWOL for nearly a week.

absent without official leave but without intent to desert.
"we not only dealt with the enemy but with servicemen who had gone AWOL"


But...while I am the one who went AWOL, I was also having to deal with the enemy!

2022 literally started with a bang in our midst, I was happily blogging away on my brightly lit new gaming keyboard, hit the publish button just in time to see in the year 2022 full of new opportunities!

Goodbye 2021 & Hello 2022!

The fireworks in our valley did not disappoint this year as we watched the sky light up with stunning explosions all around, with only one or two of the awful loud bombs that used to turn our tranquil neighbourhood into a warzone.



The guests and their children in our bnb cottage had loads of fun with us watching from our balcony and we all shouted Happy New Year from atop; no more hugging our favourite guests as the sneaky little Omicron virus has been having fun replicating to its heart content over the festive season.

Thankfully it has not been as cruel as its ancestors!

“After all, as viruses couldn’t live without a host, a dead host is a dead end for viruses. So, what’s the point of killing the host quicker?”


I was quite amused when my son explained to me that a virus does not want to kill its host as its job is to replicate, not die!
He went on to explain the family tree of this virus! was too much for this old Silver.

South Africa's curfew was lifted on 31 December 2021 as hospitalizations plunged to a mere 1.7% during the second week of Omicron infections.

Most cases were found in Kwazulu Natal and Gauteng so we knew we had to take extra precautions as many of KZN's tourists originate from Gauteng.

Hubby and I had been feeling slightly off-colour, a little sore throat at night, and REALLY tired, but I put it down to the busy-ness and reflux from eating all the wrong kinds of food!

1 January 2022

Our local medical centre was closed and only due to open on 3 January, but we had a Covid test done and both tested positive!

We had a telephonic consult with my nephew who specializes in ER, and he prescribed meds and tons of vitamins which are the standard treatment for Covid patients, but we had to wait till the following day for the pharmacy to open.

2 January 2022

He further advised that there was no need to close down the bnb due to Omicron, as long as we avoid entering the units but wear our protective gear if the need arises and do not have any contact whatsoever with guests.
We did the same when seeing to the needs of Mom who is cloistered in her bedroom 99% of the time, but we were still concerned as we initially did not realize that our slightly off-color feeling in fact was something more serious, especially if it spread to Mom!

Thankfully our five-star staff member returned on 2 January, so we have been able to self-isolate at home and he took over our duties.
Self-isolating is worse than lockdown but thankfully we have excellent home deliveries for just about everything we need!

Thanks to the vaccine, we only experienced mild symptoms; extreme fatigue at night, a burning throat and slight coughing, no fever, etc.

Earlier that day Mom Lily had her breakfast as usual but about an hour later, we heard a noise coming from her bedroom.
She had fallen out of her chair and was lying on the floor; legs stiffened and in a weird position. She appeared to be fine afterward, but as the day wore on, the Mom I knew started fading away; she choked on her food, could not swallow and eventually could not comprehend what was happening around her.

A call to my brother led to my nephew fast-tracking her admittance to the ER where he works.
He was on leave at the time, but his friends said they'd never seen anyone jump out the pool so fast. He started making phone calls to arrange the ambulance and admittance, and got into his scrubs to be at the hospital when his Ouma arrives! We were beside ourselves, thought that she'd perhaps hit her head in the fall and that there was internal bleeding or that she suffered a mild stroke due to the shock of the fall! She could not even remember falling!
Mom was really bewildered as we obviously could not go with her, but understood when I explained that she needed to go to the hospital and that her Matthew would be there.

Ultrasound, MRI, blood tests and an EEG were done. They discovered there was inflammation around her brain tumour which I briefly touched on when Mom celebrated her 90th birthday. The swelling caused a seizure as the tumour is located next to the brain stem.
Mom also tested positive for Covid but as it is Omicron, the specialists were not concerned at all, much to our surprise, considering her age!

3 January 2022

Mom Lily is almost looking her old self again, trying to smile with her Mat next to her.
I managed to video-call her, and she complained about the food and wanted to come home; I knew right away the spunky little old gal was back!

4 January 2022

Happily back at home, safely tucked into her own bed after having her favourite meal!

The road ahead looks quite perilous, but we've been assured Mom will regain the strength in her legs once the inflammation settles and her body adjusts to the anticonvulsants.

I hope all my Hive friends understand the reason for me going AWOL. I missed seeing you all, but was exhausted physically and mentally by the drama of the first couple of days of 2022!

They say every cloud has a silver lining, and we're assured that we will all have super-immunity once we're clear as we've had our two vax shots in 2020!
Some consolation and hope for the future in that regards at least!

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What a start to the New Year, fireworks to say the least with covid and Mom scaring you in the midst of the first couple of days, no wonder you are exhausted.

Rest up and take life a lot easier, hopefully Mom Lily will grain strength once again being at an age of frail, will keep you all in our thoughts.

@tipu curate


Thank you Joan for your encouragement, it's going to be tough but I'm hoping that she'll regain some strength once the inflammation settles, it's been an awful start to the year!


Torrid time you have had already, my son and his wife went for booster that made them feel under the weather, both felt it necessary with so many coming down with this variant even if a lot milder.

Take care of yourself and love to the family who are taking such good care of each other.


Oh, you have started the year on a merry-go-round of worries. On the other hand, I'm glad that the Omicron symptoms are mild with you and that the scare with your mother is passing. I hope you all recover soon and that 2022 brings you health, and that the first days of the year have taken with them the worries, and the coming ones bring you health, joy, and prosperity. Take care, cheers!


Thank you @coquicoin, I do believe that things will turn out for the best despite the rocky start😉


You gave us a bit of a start as did your mama! So glad she's back home and on the mend and that you and hubby are almost fighting fit! Welcome back!


So am I glad to be back! I was totally exhausted both from all the drama and that nasty little virus that seems to sap every bit of energy from one!
Thank you so much for holding the fort in my absence;)


Wow! I can imagine the scare with your mom, good thing she's already home with you. Lots of strength for this peculiar beginning of the year.


Thank you so much @mjvdc, she really gave us a huge fright but is slowly regaining her strength!


Get your rest, we will all still be here when you get back! Your mom's as tough as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs! Glad you are faring so well with the virus, I had about the same symptoms when I tested pos, so glad I got the vax. Will be praying for all of you.


They were really made of stronger material back in the day;) Mom's always taken such good care of herself, took regular walks and still only eats healthy foods, no junk food for her! My youngest brother once remarked that she'll outlive us all one day! Not that I'd want to wish that for any mom.
Thank you for your prayers @steelthong!


You are a hardy lot you South Africans, a challenging start to the year and you are already back again firing on all cylinders. I am very glad that your mom Lily is recovering too.
Have you had your booster shot Silver-Haired Lizzie? It is considered to be the best defence against extra sick with Delta and Omicron.
As always wishing your lots of good things.


We've not had our booster shots yet Angie, but apparently having Omicron once you've had the first 2 vaxes will give one super immunity. I'm a tad reluctant to have the booster shot as I experienced seizures after each vax, apparently has happened to allergy prone people like me.
In any case, I'm just happy that Mom is slowly recovering, and being the eternal optimist I look forward to a good 2022!


Omg, so glad Oumama is okay. I felt a little bewildered at a stage while reading but glad to hear Ouma is back home and doing better. Lol, I can only imagine her complaining about the hospital food 😂


I'm so sorry I never got to let all the grandkiddies know about your Oumama, and although she's on the mend, she is becoming more and more frail by the day!
But definitely better as she's her cheeky old self again 😉


Hot damn. That's a crazy start to the new year. I am glad your mum is back home and recovering. Omicron does seem to be a blessing in disguise in its mildness compared to the dastardly delta! Supercharged immunity here we go!


I cannot agree more with you on the 'benefits' of getting Omicron, as the doctors agree that we will have super immunity after this!
It was a scary start to the new year though, more so because of Mom's incident! She's a feisty fighter and once said she's too curious to die as she wants to see what's still going to happen in this world, but is tired now. I still have to watch my step though, as she still puts me in my place😄


OMG Lizelle. I'm so sorry to hear about all the strife but am glad you all came out of it okay. How scary that must've been, especially in regard to your Mom.

The virus is running rampant here in the US. I had a flight scheduled for Jan 19th to go see my Mom and Brother but I'm seriously considering canceling that trip. We also had to reschedule the annual party we have for our family and friends. I'm so tired of this virus and pray that it runs its course by spring or summer.

I'm so glad you're all okay!


It really was scary Eric! Mom's still not out of the woods as the anticonvulsant meds are making her like a zombie, so we had to stop it after I called the doc this morning! So it hopefully helps but the risk is of further seizures and falls, it's quite nerve-wracking!
Omicron really is not bad, Mom has it and only has a cough, we're already over it, hardly felt sick, just extremely exhausted! I'm sure you'll be ok to go and see your Mom if it's like our variant.
Please take care of yourselves and pump up the vitamins especially the D's now you're in winter!


I bet it was scary! I hope your Mom heals from this quickly. The prescription drugs are such a crapshoot, sometimes they cause more issues than they solve. My Dad was on something like seventeen different drugs. My brother and I went down the list and some of them treated the same conditions. His doctors didn't bother to check his med list before they prescribed him new ones. Omicron is the dominant variant here now too but Delta is still circulating widely. Vitamins and exercise are super important! We take plenty of D and also cod liver oil (that has natural D in it). Get plenty of rest and we'll have you all in our thoughts!


You had quite a wobbly start to 2022 my friend. I wish you everything good and wonderful from here on. Glad to hear Aunty Lilly is on the mend, you guys must take it easy now, no more chasing each other around the house Lol! Thank you for sharing @lizelle miss you lots, stay safe.


Only now catching up with my responses and saw I'd not responded to you my friend! Mom's still hanging on, but fading away fast.
She really appreciated seeing you & Pete, always said you're part of the family ❤


She is like a second mom to me my friend, I'm glad we went to see her, she will close her eyes and sleep in peace. Shout if you need anything, even just to be there in silence in support. Love you lots be strong, it's not an easy road to be on. Praying for you.


I'm thrilled that things worked out and that your Mom is back home, resting comfortably.
What a relief it must be knowing that your nephew is there when you need medical assistance, you know that the best care will surely be given when necessary and that there will be no waiting around.
Let's hope that everyone continues to feel better each and every day.

God Bless you and all of your loved ones.

It must also be a great feeling having staff members that can pick up the slack when you and the hubby are not available.


I must apologize for only responding now @thebigsweed, but things have been really crazy with many ups and downs with Mom's health. It's taking forever for her to get better. She had a bad reaction to the anticonvulsants so they changed it.
We get hopeful but her condition goes up and then down. Her speech gets better at times, but she's totally immobile so it's really difficult. My brother's arranging a day nurse which we hope works out.
Thank you for your very kind abd sincere wishes!


Apologiziees back at you, we've also been very busy.
I was hoping for better news about your Mom.
It's a great idea to get someone in to give you a hand with Lilly. With everything, you have going on you and your husband could use a break!

God Bless.


Thank you my friend, it's really been a roller-coaster ride with Mom! She had another seizure this week, woke up talking garble again but improved (if one can call it so). It's been heartbreaking seeing her get weaker; she also only eats tiny amounts. We've had glimmers of hope, the caregiver has been an angel, but Mom had a bad day yesterday and asked me numerous times if she shouldn't give up. It is just awful! But she woke up this morning and for the first time said she's feeling better!
It's taken a lot off our shoulders but some tasks still require 2 people so hubby has to give a hand from time to time.
I really appreciate your kindness🙏🏻


Hello @lizelle, We should all be so lucky to have someone like you and your hubby be there when life gets really rough. The caregiver sounds wonderful! There will come a time when we will all be asking the same question as your Mom, is it my time to rest in peace.
You guys are the real angels and both you and your mom are so very lucky to have such a special relationship, a relationship with so many fond memories of priceless moments spent in each other's company.

I hope this late reply finds you and all of your loved ones, is peace.

God Bless.


Thank you @thebigsweed, I really appreciate your sincere good wishes!
My 3 nieces came to visit their Ouma this weekend which perked her up but it seems that the tumour is still causing havoc as her condition is just getting worse.
We've all accepted the inevitable, Mom's repeatedly saying she wants to go home, it's been heartbreaking but we all told her we understand as she's really suffering now.
God bless you @farm-mom as well🙏🏻


I am sorry about what happened early in the year but glad that you are all doing well now, also your Mom Lily. Good to see you back :)


What a scare - more than “a”!!

So glad all of you are on the mend 💓
