Letting Go


Revelation 21:4-There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.

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Letting go is not an easy task to achieve especially when that thing has been an integral part of your life for a long time. Something you had always find comfort in or with. Something or someone you never imagined you would have to let go.

But the first thing you need to know and understand is that nothing in this life is permanent with the exception of God's word and the Holy Scriptures. Everything has its time and all shall pass so when it is due to let something and you hold on to it you tend to live in the past.

Holding on to something that ought to be let will make it a burden for you, and your worries will increase. It takes your happiness away and distract you from your goals, dreams and achievement.

And So whiles letting go is not easy it is a necessary process of life for growth and when you have finally learned to let things go when the need be you will find out that there is not more pain for the former things that have passed away for you.

