They Joy of Training A Child


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Many people see the training of a child as a burden. They seem not to know that parenting a child is a rare privilege. They do not understand the blessing and Joy in proper home training. the scripture in (prov. 23;24) says that "They Father of the righteous shall shall greatly rejoice and he that begot a wise child shall have joy of him".

What bundle of Joy it brings when you have children properly nurtured to be responsible, righteous adults.

Imagine how Jacob felt when he got the information that Joseph was not only alive but had become a great man in Egypt, and the great Hannah and Samuel who became the prophet a mighty prophet of God to whole nation of Israel.

Jesse heart was gladdened when the little David brought home such national of defeating the giant of Gath, Goliath.
As gift from God they are entrusted into our care so that they can fulfill they noble cause of his creation.

Children are born Innocent, simple hearten, tender and trusting. their heart are like clean slate waiting to receive what is ever written on it.

These parent apparently experience the joy of child training because their children were physically and spiritually successful.
