To have faith is to have trust in God.


Blessing be with you all, in this #HeartChurch Community.


When God forgives a sinner, takes away the punishment he deserves, and begins to treat him as if he had never sinned, then the Lord grants him divine favor and justifies him on the merits of Christ's righteousness.

The sinner can only be justified by faith in the atonement made by the beloved Son of God, who became the sacrifice for the sins of the guilty world. No one can be justified by the deeds he has done. A person can be freed from the guilt of sin, from the condemnation of the Law, from the punishment for sin, only through the suffering, death and resurrection of Christ.

Faith is the only condition to be justified, and includes not only faith in the existence of God, but also trust in Him.

Many nominally believe in Christ, but know nothing about their vital dependence on Him, which enables them to claim the merits of the crucified and risen Savior. About this nominal faith, James says:

“You believe that God is one: you do well; and the demons believe and tremble. But do you want to know, fool, that faith without works is dead? "(James 2:19, 20).

That is why many admit that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, but at the same time they stay away from Him and cannot repent of their sins, accept Jesus as their personal Savior. Their faith is based on reason and reasoning from the truth, but this truth is not established in their hearts to sanctify their souls and transform their character.

Faith is having confidence in God and in the greatness of his power, nothing can be done without faith, when we drink a glass of water we must have faith that the water will quench our thirst, when we go out to work we must have faith that it will be One day at work, the positive will bring us positive things, so if we have God in our hearts we can have a life full of light, love and abundance.

If we have faith we can believe in the forgiveness of sins, we must believe in life after life and be thankful at every moment that Christ died for the forgiveness of our sins and that should strengthen our faith.



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Hello @hivewatchers, I apologize for the inconvenience caused, I will interpret the quoted article. It will not happen again.
