


The following are tips that could be built up into personal growth principles. You could by revelation and by wisdom reach exponential growth and attain supernatural acceleration as you operate these nuggets.

Principle 1: Operate God’s Covenant of Fruitfulness.

The Lord who ordains times and seasons has declared that there shall not be male or female barren among us. The Word of God decrees you fertile, fertile in mind, fertile in body and fertile in spirit. Your fertility is not limited to the sphere of biology! It is all-embracing fertility.

…..There shall not be male or female barren among you…. Deuteronomy 7:14

Appropriate this blessing into your conduct and deliberately set to live it to the hilt. You cannot be barren. It is that simple!

How many sixty-six year olds can set out to rebuild their business with fresh effort and a new product in a continent-sized country? That was exactly what Harland Sanders did when he started travelling around frying spicy chickens by unique cooking techniques. When you realize that the retirement age for civil servants and some company executives is sixty-five and under, you would better appreciate Harland Sanders gumption!

Principle 2: “Pray Without Ceasing” Concerning Your Creative Potential

David Oyedepo wrote in Releasing the Supernatural,

“Do you want to walk in the miraculous on a daily basis? Then cultivate the habit of effective praying”.

There are certain mountains that can only be moved through prayer. And prayer is nothing but giving God back his word in a form of dialogue. However, before you can enjoy the triumph prayer guarantees, you must come to God with a desire. The Lord grants the desires of the righteous when they are with His word. But many believers come before God without desires”.

Therefore, I say unto you, what things soever ye desire, when you pray, believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them. Mark 11:24

Having no desire is akin to asking nothing! Because our Lord is the God of specificity. Man of God, endeavor to surmount limitations and oppositions, by praying through, and He would let you into wonder. Pray the Lord to “Open my eyes, that I may see wondrous things from Your law” (Ps 119:18).

There are indeed wondrous things to be beheld in God, in His word and inside His Creativity Chest. Yes, our God has a secret Creativity Chest to which only the Holy Spirit has unfettered access. Because we know that,

“Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God”. (1Cor 2:9, 10)


Principle 3: Tap into the Unlimited Creativity of God.

First, you have to believe that God’s creativity is without limit. That recognition confers on you the right to exploit it. That belief makes you ready to tap into the inexhaustible fountain, which is God’s bottomless creative pool. In the Yoruba tongue, God is called in Yoruba language Onibu ore, which literally translates to “The One who possesses a spring of blessings”. The word ibu means spring or exceedingly deep waters. Of course, you could never exhaust a spring by fetching from it. The more you scoop from any spring, the more it replenished by its secreted source. God’s creativity is exactly as bottomless as a spring and much more so.

The primary approach in tapping into God’s limitless creativity is by ASKING.

”But I know, that even now, whatsoever thou wilt ask of God, God will give it thee. John 11:22.

All through Scriptures, the Lord is clearly portrayed as placing much premium on the asking aspect in His relationship with man. It is an inescapable fact of His nature since asking portrays complete yielding and submission to His Authority and His ability to make provisions.

Whatever you want or desire of Him, simply ASK. You are just one plea away from fulfilling your ultimate potential!

Principle 4: Give the World an Idea that Serves a Need and You Would Be Rewarded for it.

Give the world just one solution to a need, and you are in business!

The inventors of this world have produced thoughts that made them rich, and rewrote the history of their generations.

Have you started thinking of an idea, any solid idea?

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