
Most people whom I talk to always seem to understand the concept of a man-cave differently. Most of them, men, tend to talk about the need to build or set up a room in which the man takes time off to just be himself and/or do some of the things single guys do so as to have a semblance of independence. Independence from what? I've always sought to ask.

The Oxford dictionary describes a man cave as a room or other part of a home used by a man as a place to relax and pursue hobbies away from the rest of the family.

In thinking about the concept of the aforementioned topic, I was quite curious to know if there was also a female equivalent of a man cave. To my greatest surprise I found something on the internet called a She Shed, which Collins dictionary describes as a room or part of a home in which a woman may indulge in hobbies and interests without being distracted by other family members. It is often a shed behind the house.

During my youthful ages, I fixated on a particular routine as regards how my future would be. Fantasizing about working and cuddling with my spouse, getting married, raising children that would go on to challenge the world positively, retiring simultaneously with my spouse before 50 years and going on vacations. Yada, yada yada. In all of that, I never figured I would have to contend with the complexities of failure, heartbreak, rejection and the residue stemming from betrayal.

Now it might sound like the earlier paragraph is deviating from the topic, but bear with me. Remember the first person you fell for, whether as a teenager or an adult? And I don't mean something flimsy or like a fling. The person you first felt something that was gargantuan emotionally. If you remember this, then you remember how often you wanted to be in their presence, how everything seemed right when you were with them and how much you wanted to gain and preserve every minute with them. Maybe it didn't hit you that way, but it hit me.


And then there is a heartbreak, you are rejected somehow and you hurt so much that you never want to be in that position again. You reduce the time spent with the next spouse and the next and the next and somehow it becomes inherent in you so much so that this new trend rears its head even when you are with the person you love despite you not knowing why you’d want to spend time away.

The more you spend time alone the more both of you get use to spending time away from each other and then oftentimes it slowly but gradually becomes a bland kind of relationship.

Now I understand and feel it's ok to want to spend time with just the buddies or the girls but why can’t that be outside the home or somewhere else. Because more often than not your spouse will be trying to figure out what exactly is going on in the man cave with “the guys”.

What happens to wanting to spend so much time with each other that the man cave or the “she shed” just becomes another room filled with good memories of being together and not apart.

So the question now is... Man Cave or not?


It kind of depends really, if the couple love each other but don't share the same interests then it's neccesary to have a place full of whatever it is that makes the person happy. But, at the same time it's not always the man or woman who makes the cave to hide away, I know people who get banished to their man cave because their partner doesn't want their memorabelia all over the house haha.

In a certain way with good and bad relationships alike the people usually change and grow into new people together, sometimes by force and sometimes naturally and healthely. I think the man cave and she shed are good, because it's the part of the persons past that still makes them an individual and a place they can reconnect with the things they love aside from the person they're with.


Wow, amazing perspective. Singly married, huh? Well is it possible that still hanging unto some of the things that you did when single would interfere with certain aspects that makes you married?

I think, you are an individual right up until you get married. Once you get married especially when you have kids, you forfeit a lot of what makes you an individual. You are now a family and a room meant separately for one member of the family, restricts the entire symbiotic process that lets both grow as as one.


100% agree with you dude the whole part of being in a long term relationship or marriage with someone is that the two people grow together, but, lets say one person enjoys playing guitar or gaming, they should have a place to store/ use those things without annoying everyone in the house.

I know a guy who has a lot of those statues that people buy and just general nerdy kind of stuff like that, but he was made box them all up and put them away for good. Rather than being able to display them, I know having that kind of stuff up in the sitting room isn't acceptable as it makes the place look like a single guys house. I think that's almost the reason to have a shed/ room dedicated to that stuff, a place the person can chill and be amongst some of the things they enjoy.

Like writers aswell, it's said that the best way to write and be creative is to have a comfortable place to sit down and write, which means having some things you love decorating the room to get inspired by which is kind of another form of a man cave/ she shed.

I think it's important in a relationship for each person to have their own space to breath and chill out when they have the time to. I'm lucky with my partner, me and her have been together for nearly 9 years and we've grown together and have never been expected to change our interests and likes as they are the things that attracted us to one another when we first met.


Ok... This explains a lot. The perception I have regarding a man cave is somewhere that serves as a means of escape. Which I don't think is ideal. But the way you explained it is quite good and it's ok.


I could be wrong, maybe some people do use it as a form of escape, which as you said is pretty unhealthy and could easily weaken a relationship. But, if I had my own man cave it would be used to have a place to express myself creatively without disturbing anyone and cluttering the house up with the stuff I like.


I doff my hat to you, good sir...😁


One thing I didn't say before is, fantastic post! I love pieces like this that open a dialog amongst people to discuss topics, you done a great job at doing that. Sorry if I prattled on too much haha. I don't have many followers but I'm gonna reblog it to get it out there a bit more.


Trust me. You have been wonderful. I actually had the thought before but the movie "Being the Ricardos" actually simulated the thought process. I don't know if you've seen it.
