Deadpost Curation #2 (30+ Hive in prizes)


The Deadpost Initiative is a chance to reward under rewarded content from the past while making friends and building stronger community ties. We repost in the community and the most undervalued posts get a prize and some recognition. This is not just about being rewarded for good material, it’s about getting to know each other too.

Join the Deadpost Initiative Communtiy

Since we disappeared for so many weeks and this is our first time having a community to post in, we can start over from #1 (the original project ran for 40-50 weeks).

Also: Unrelated, but I have another contest running this week, inviting you to share your favorite steemians who left, people who you'd like to bring to Hive. 100 Hive in prizes, Check it out.

Week 1

Getting the word out takes time, not so many entries this week but some gems. We still need to figure out how to do this. There was some confusion about tags when it comes to crossposting. This week we will change the rules to be crossposting only. This will simplify things. Please do not re-post. I want to see the original date easily. You can leave a comment in your post to re-introduce it in detail.

We still need to smooth out some details but I think this is going to be a nice initiative. If there are any problems we will work them out!

Week 1 Great Deadposts


My original Steem Introduction post: Drifting on the breeze. Who can say where I will land? Will I linger here?

One of the most undervalued introduction posts from one of the most undervalued users of Hive. @shookriya and his music account @autobodhi overflow with talent. I'm glad he entered cause I love the idea of sending Hive his way.
Prize: 12 Hive


Deadpost - Sexist Sherlock Holmes

@holovision posts a lot of material about old TV and movies which can be really nostalgic. I liked this analysis of an old Sherlock Holmes episode. It shows how far we've come and also how it's ok to blow up a lion, as long as it's a small lion. I also appreciate that he tried to make sure everyone was following the format, though we are still figuring out the format as we go along.
Prize: 10 Hive


Nebraska's Nightscape- More than Just Cornfields

An interesting and versatile user I discovered recently, also with multiple accounts(@solcycler and @@@alphahippie) for different topics including self sustainable life, ebikes, tai chi, and here he's got a nice photo journal from Nebraska. Check him out!

Prize: 5 Hive


#showcase-sunday - Journey through The Blockchain - A Story in Common (Fiction)(PART 2)(ENGLISH)

@ange.nkuru provides us with a bit of crypto-fiction, or even crypto-fetish sci-fi. Fun stuff! Imagine a world where steem (HAHA) is the world currency! I guess that didn't age well...or maybe it did....who knows?
Prize: 5 Hive

Week 2

We are starting to get into the swing of things. Thanks for everyone who participated. Show us some great posts and engage!


  • original post must have less than a $3 payout. If there were fewer than 3 sincere comments on the post, $5 posts will be acceptable.
  • crossposts must be posted in The Deadpost Initiatve Community
  • Only crossposts will be accepted. Feel free to leave any extra information in the comment section.

Deadline for Week 1 is April 17!

Feel free to link your posts in the comment section here

image link

Check out my music, stories and support me at I+Everything


I'm glad to see that the initiative is evolving to fit the newer features and am humbled to have my article showcased here.



Cool stuff!

Is it a coincidence that both of us curated @autobodhi , only a day apart?

No matter what, I am happy to have discovered this dude's work. Let me know if you could use some more Hive for price money. I would be willing to help you out with that.


Thank you for the good words, I’ll be sure to keep pumping out the jams :)

Also i think @whatamidoing may have mentioned you to me before in relation to a language learning discord thingy as I am currently learning Portuguese. I have totally lagged on getting over there as i don’t discord a whole lot but Ima try. I’m on there as shookriya.


You're welcome :<)

Can't find or add you on Discord without the #plusdigits in front of your username. This is me: VincentNijmanZENsitivosaurus#5870

Cool to hear that you're learning Portuguese. I'm just a Dutchman with a house in Portugal. I speak it but it's probably my fourth or fifth language.

See you around!


Cheers for the initiative and prize mulla, I really appreciate it!


Awesome! Thanks man, i did work pretty hard on that post. That was pretty much my first blog post ever actually. It’s really funny to see how my style has changed since then.
