Why Are You Here - Part 2


Up till the time we clarified and committed ourselves to our purpose, we had been going in many directions,... we'd try first one thing and then another... once we got clear, however on what that was - that is once we knew our purpose - that's when our efforts really paid off. The results were dramatic. Suddenly we knew which project to pursue.... we knew what expenses would be worthwhile.... we knew what needed to take priority on any day.

Sarah and Paul Edwards


Purpose is the reason for existence; it gives direction to life and enables its possessor to achieve maximum result with minimum effort.

Without purpose, you'll almost always be aiming at nothing and successfully hitting it every time. When you have a definite purpose to pursue in life, you have something for which you enthusiastically raise yourself from bed every morning. A life that is running in purpose cannot be overpowered by challenges.

As Benjamin Disraeli observed,

"Nothing can resist a human will that stakes its heart upon purpose."

Purpose generates energy to keep its possessor on the move.

Doubtless, the only man with a good prognosis in the future is the man who knows and understands what he was born to accomplish in life - why are you here?

It was the discovery of the answer to this question that made Thomas Edison the greatest inventor of history, even though he was expelled from school.

Albert Einstein was sent home from school as a person with learning disability. But when asked and answered this question, he left his name indelibly on the pages of history as one of the greatest scientists the world has ever known.
Same it was with Ben Carson, Joyce Meyer and other great men and women.

It'll take all day to tell of the many great and successful men and women whose success came as a result of discovery of the answer to this question:

What purpose have I to accomplish on earth??


By the 31st of December 2021, I will accumulate a Net Worth of $20,000 with a monthly income of $1,000 or more.

In exchange for this, I will work as a Freelance Web Developer for my startup company Patch Castle, working on multiple personal and client projects.
I will also be actively involved with multiple blockchains and crypto project that I believe to have potential. While doing this, I will keep working towards graduating from medical school.

My mission in life is to become very successful, financially independent and find happiness in all I do.

Written by @gamsam.
