Infusion of Pomegranate with Onion Branch Natural Dewormer and Combats Other Diseases.

Good afternoon, friends of Hive. I bring you this homemade recipe of benefits to your health ingested as a natural solution to combat intestinal parasites, stomach, mouth, and vaginal bacteria in the face of this Covid-19 pandemic, this Granada fruit has many medicinal properties in its seeds , barks and peel combined with onion on the branch, it fights intestinal diseases, anti-inflammatory parasites of the throat, fights gngivitis and even the extract of the seed is antiviral and antiflu, it is advisable to take the sugar infusion. We seek to reduce risk; taking infusions; used for many years to combat stomach problems, parasitic viruses, flu colds and strengthen the immune system for its healing properties; they will love to try it. I cultivated this medicinal treasure in my house.

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Medicinal Properties of Pomegranate:

• Eliminates intestinal parasites such as: amebiasis, pinworms and tapeworms. (seeds, inner bark and husks).

• Rich in vitamin C, B2 and B9.

• Antioxidant, anticancer (Extract).

• Contains tannins that help diarrhea and constipation (stratum seed, bark and peels).

• Cleanses the kidneys (Extract).

• Strengthens the immune system.

• Lowers blood pressure (Extract).

• Deflames and disinfects the throat (peels).

• Helps to relieve bleeding gums (Cascaras).

• Eliminates candidiasis (Cascaras).

• Aphrodisiac (juice or extract).

• Antiviral and flu (Juice).

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Medicinal Properties Onion Branch:

• Vitamins A, C and K.

• Improves the immune system.

• Antioxidant.

• Antibacterial.

• Calm yourself from coughing.

• Improved disgestion.

• Antidiarrheal

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Ingredients Serving 5 Cups:

• 2 tablespoons of pomegranate (seeds, bark, and rinds).

• 2 branches of chives.

• 1/2 liter of drinking water


Steps for the Preparation of Infusion of Pomegranates and Onion in Branches:

1-. We proceed to pour water into a container and add grated pomegranate shell seed, bark and chives, bring it to the fire.

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2-. Cook the infusion until boiling and remove it from the heat and strain the infusion eliminating the pomegranate and chives residues.


3-.Ready the preparation, let it cool for a few minutes and take the Infusion of Pomegranate and Onion on Branches, it is an astringent flavor without aroma and improves our health, it is recommended two (2) cups a day, one in the morning and another at night for 2 days.

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The Images were taken with Moto G5 mobile phone.

100% Original content.

Thank you, I hope you find it useful.

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Family medicinal remedies handed down over the years are treasured. Good to learn, more natural healing thanks for sharing @magdasierra

