
unsplash by Karine Germain

Each one of us has a desire in life. This is the one that makes us do things and this is the one that makes us happy in certain aspects. Of course, it's not the same because having individualities means we are all different. It may bad for others but it's not their concern as long we are not hurting them.

Have you tried of longing something but it won't happen? Wishing to come true desperately but again nothing happens. It's the same when you desire too much. It's unbearable that you must forget it or just let it go instead of pursuing it.

When you started off not pursuing your own desires. Don't think that you're now free from the frustration of not having it. You decided to forget because you thought it's too much or it's impossible to happen. But the unbearable pain of not having what you wanted will last. It will haunt you when suddenly you'll think of something you never have.

You may become a grown-up guy and you have the abilities now to suppress your emotion. You accept it or not, our desire will keep on going out into our mind. You didn't show it because you're too ashamed to do it but deep inside your hurting yourself by doing so.


unsplash by Charles Deluvio

Never forget that all of us have desires in life. Don't think that it's wrong, it's fine to be eager in having it. Just don't make yourself control by your own desire. Many bad actions happened because they let their desires took control of them. They forgot what was the right thing to do because of overwhelming desire.

You can do alternatives even if you desire so much of one thing. Human's mind is always unique. For sure there will be a way or another thing that can replace your desire that it's hard to achieve. Just don't close your mind only from one thing. Broadened your mind and open it for things that can make you happy as well.

If powering up in hive is one of your desire. Then work for it and give your best into it. Nothing could achieve easily after all.

thank you for reading

d' dreamboy,
