One Thing at a Time


We let the words come out of our minds without thinking about the effects on other people. It's too late to realize because the words were said and heard. It's hard to believe but it's true because sometimes we take action before we think. It's like our body knows what to do without asking permission from our brain. Of course, it's obvious that our brain learns it afterward since it's responsible for every activity in our body.

If you think you can't learn those things, don't conclude right away but try first. The time we were born we were clueless about everything. Talking, walking and many more but as time passes by we learn it even though we were surprised because we thought it's normal to us. We were just surprised if we learned things that seemed not normal to us. Like a man knows how to drive a car. He couldn't believe he finally learned and when time passes by he's used to it and he can do it without thinking. His body acts his own like it's just a part of his daily routine. Notice how we can do things if we want to learn something new. It's not magic but we human beings are capable of learning many things. We just need to understand that step by step or one at a time before we can finally learn it.

Don't be afraid to fail that limits you to think of trying something new. Failure is part of learning since it's like experiencing how you will be able to do it. In cooking food you need to taste it before you will finally serve it and ready to eat. Taste it many times for you to understand that the taste is perfect and for sure people will love it. As always it will not happen right away by just the first try, that will be absurd for sure.

The thing is if you want something to learn, practice for it. Observe it and accept the possibilities that it is not easy. Take your time, slowly not to do the same thing. It will be easier if what you want to learn will not interfere with other things. Just one by one before proceeding with something new. We can adapt it for sure but there's no assurance that you can be good at it. Our brain is capable of learning many things as long as it will not be pressured by thinking many things.

Singing and dancing can be done together but they can't be learned at the same time. You need to choose what should be prioritized first and after being good at it proceed to another. It will help us to learn so fast by not learning things at the same time. We always have the time if we are just willing to learn.

Thank you for reading
image is mine



Paul Ladrica is the name but prefers to be called mrnightmare that feels like living in the dream. A country boy and a dreamboy (dreamer) who likes to stay in a small village even though it means abandoning the future to become a seaman. The passion is writing but not sailing in the vague ocean. Don't wonder if the face will not be shown, this is better where the words can flow smoothly.
