Be Yourself!

A young woman was in the hospital about to be opertated on, as the doctors and nurses were trying to care for her, she had a near death experience; seeing God, she asked if this was it, if she was dead? God said, "No, you have Sixty-Four years, two months and ten days to live.
Upon recovery, the young lady decided to stay in the hospital, she did a face-lift, a tummy tuck, like, she did the whole package you know? She even had someone come over to the hospital to change her hair colour, since she had so much life remaining, she felt it's okay to make the most of it.
After everything, she was discharged; however, while crossing the road on her way home, she was killed by a speeding vehicle. Arriving in the presence of God, she was angry, and questioned, I thought you said I had another sixty plus years? And God replied, "I didn't recognize you".

Image from

Be Yourself

People always want to be someone else, we are always discontented with who we are and want to be like others. Until you make peace with who you are, you will never be contented with what you have.

The truth is, the easiest thing to be in the world is you. The most difficult thing to be is what other people want you to be. Don't let them put you in that position.

Picasso once said,

My mother said to me, if you become a soldier you'll become a general; if you become a monk you'll end up as the pope, so, instead I became a painter and ended up as Picasso

Learn to stand out, no one ever become great by imitation, don't be a copy of something or someone. Make your own impression, dare to be the BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF



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I really understand what you meant by being yourself but I also feel that there is nothing bad in trying to look good and representable.

What I can say is that someone is not being himself only if he is a chameleon in his attitudes. In front of a person he is good why to another person he is opposite.


Looking good and presentable is different from what I'm saying, no problem in that. You can look good and presentable without doing surgery for it, but that's not my point either, the message in my short story is deeper than just looking good.


Brother, make me understand better


My point is this, people should learn to develop themselves to become a better person instead of pretending to be what they are not, the present day society we live in, more people fake to be what they are not because they are trying to fit in when they should be standing out. It's okay to learn one or two good traits from others but not to the point of wanting to be like other. People should inspire you but never copy people, be your own person. According to my story, if the lady never had knowledge of her long years on earth, she would continue with her normal life but she felt it's time to explore different things(and in this case, restructuring her whole body). Nothing wrong with looking good or appearing nice, but that's not what the story was say, the story want us to understand, we don't have to anyone else before we can be who we are, we just have develop ourselves as a person so we can stand out. It's not just a story, it's the message you should understand from the story.


It's very true what you say, we have to learn to ignore what others or society say... at the end of the day, if you do things one way they're going to have an opinion on it, and if you do things another way they're going to have an opinion too... people ALWAYS have an opinion, so why not do what you enjoy doing and let others speak for themselves.

Obviously having a balance, it's always good to know the opinions of others, and learn from them... but at your own discretion.


I agree with you, because letting people's opinions run our lives is really not cool
