Dream about reaching beyond my borders

One of the things that I love the most is the open landscapes, where you can appreciate the immensity of the sky, the things that surround me, night landscapes that fill the city with lights, the shore of the beach with ocean views, a mountain high that allows you to look around all nature.

Been to my sister's house take advantage of appreciating how beautiful everything is seen from the balcony, although it is a 2-story apartment only, the view from there is very nice, it is so relaxing and sometimes it even leads you to dream.

When one is like this one begins to imagine reaching the limits that our eyes see, knowing that there is beyond.

I think that this is part of what I live in the Blockchain, seeing everything that is published here, knowing the experiences of other people in different nations, makes me dream of wanting to go further and exceed my limits and my borders.

I hope to continue on this path that has gradually led me to imagine with wider skies, with more beautiful landscapes.


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