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Simpler than ice on water is the free floating thought I am enough except those words are wrapped in chains and sunk to the bottom of the ocean for many who write with me. Insecurity breeds faster than rabbits and with less joy. Folk tales warn us away from conceit. Is self-love a conceit? Is the idea that I am a person who holds value a selfish one? I cry it is necessary if I am to share breath with assailants, if I am to create a better me than what was fashioned by clumsy hands and penises. I am not the shape they molded me into. But, in order to be more, I must believe I am enough.

And so must you.

There is no compulsion even excepting I believe even the predator has value; if they knew their worth they would witness what exists in everyone. And would they strike if they saw what they were harming as a mirror of their innate beauty?

Even when you don't have enough or think you don't do enough or feel you couldn't possibly meet whatever standard you have set for enough, know there is someone out there who sees you as valued. Throw aside the tired feeling of this t-shirt chant and claim its meaning. Assign it to your heart. You are enough.


Great positive message! I've just started reading The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck and it says about the same, though not as succintly, and with some pretty foul language.


@shawnamawna, thank you for your post. "In order to be more, I must believe I am enough." Truer words have not been spoken for a long time. Your comment on the value of the predator is also thought-provoking. It has religious connotations on the importance of freeing yourself from the bonds of mortality before ascending into a better existence. Your article is poetic. I am better for having read it.



"Is self love a conceit?" I don't think so.

I have always liked the person that I am. I know my heart and spirit. I don't however, have an overblown value of myself or think I am better than other people and that the world should always be the way I would like it to be. There is a big difference I think in loving and accepting who you are and being conceited. I do understand though, that sometimes other people see calm confidence in another person as conceit, however, most of that happens because that person is not secure in the person that they themselves are on the inside.

I have thought many times if more people knew they were enough and valid on the inside, there wouldn't be so many taking offense that the world doesn't cater to them.
