Sometimes You Just Bite the Bullet

Photo by Emma Matthews Digital Content Production on Unsplash

Which, after much hemming and hawing over light and time of day for recording a teaching demo, I did. I wanted to make a better demo, but given the tools I had to work with and the time constraints, I went with making a demo period. The point of it is to show I am articulate and personable. In that regard, I think I did just fine. I would have loved, however, to wow the powers watching the video and induce them to pay me more for the online instruction I've signed up to do.

Oh yeah. That's what this is about. Online instruction. Specifically, ESL. I need a remote job with a steady income and flexible hours. I need to not have to work outside my home during this pandemic. And I need to not work on my feet full time again like I was doing pre-pandemic (and pre-foot injury). In short, there's a lot that I need. I don't like taking shortcuts to get there, but I feel kind of like I did.

Could I have wowed? Yes, maybe, but again, I did the best I could do in the time and with the tools given. Now I wait to see what the fates decide about my voice and face.

If wishes were crypto . . .

Anyway, I'm here to say good job to me. I did a thing. It was a thing that was hard for me. Not for the reasons I expected, but still difficult. And now it's done. That's great!

Further, I popped on here and remembered to put up my Sunday hello. That's what this is. This here ramble. So, hello! And happy Sunday.


I teach blogging, expressive writing for traumatic release and recovery and host generative writing sessions at the Center for Creative Writing. Write with me!

or visit me at my home site


Thank you for your post. Work can be rough and despite the efforts I am not sure we can perform at our best all the time. It takes a hard nature to accomplish that kind of effort and if you have other things on your plate it might not be worth the cost. You got done what you needed and sometimes that needs to be enough.


"Sometimes that needs to be enough." Yes! Thank you for saying this.


You’re very welcome. It is something I need to remind myself about constantly. In some things though I don’t feel I have a choice. It’s a balancing act honestly. Set yourself for a marathon not a sprint. Your body will thank you and be stronger for it.
