Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1236)


Hello Everyone!

Awaking from a late day nap, Progress with the electric service, Starting a fundraiser & Feeling weary!

Alright, I am running pretty late today with the writing routine... but am completely fine with it given that it is due to squeezing in a refreshing nap at the end of the day. I was so soundly asleep that it is rather surprising that I was able to wake back up again... but some small part of my mind was like 'it is well past time to wake up' and of course I listened to it.

Last night I was up kind of late again mulling everything over in regards to the packing, moving and getting things setup at the new place... which is good in some ways and bad in others because it keeps making me get to sleep later than I want to be doing. Of course obsessing over where I am going to come up with the funds to do it all has been playing its part as well... and honestly if money was not an obstacle I would not have most of the worries that I currently have.

I did manage to get up quite early this morning... and after doing my Hive engagement routine... I dove into filing my application for new electric service. I was really amazed at how fast the electric company got back to me... and how simple the process was... but I was a bit bummed out to learn that by utilizing an 'RV pole' that I was not able to use their 'prepay' system.

I guess that my credit score is not as bad as I thought that it would be... because all total (including the fees and such) the deposit for the service only came out to three hundred and fifteen dollars. There will be more fees involved later once the electric company engineer visits the site... but right now I have to pay that initial amount before the process can move forward any further.

No complaints there or anything because if I want power then it is going to cost whatever it costs... but I am pretty sure that between the engineer fees and the electrician (that will install the meter pole and breakers) I am looking at having to come up with around five grand. Getting electricity onsite is assuredly worth it and I could not get solar at that cost... but whoa I have no idea where I am going to come up with that kind of money at.

As I have said before the money aspect of this move has already been expensive... and after deciding to Power Down all my own (and my Mom's) Hive last night... it really hit me how 'hard up' that I really am. So in my less-than-infinite wisdom I decided to start a Gofundme fundraiser this morning as a last act of sheer desperation... which now all of these hours later still has yet to receive a single donation.

To be clear I am in no way counting on that fundraiser... but figured it best to give it a go just so that the idea of doing so would quit rattling around in my mind as a possible solution. In the end I will probably get more funds by scrapping the copper wire (that the rodents here ruined) than I will get from any fund raising efforts... but hey at least I will have tried!

Anyways, after doing all that jazz I got outdoors and got to working on stuff again... which mostly amounted to sorting through more tools, re-packing the toolboxes that I washed yesterday... and giving that lumber a final scrubbing. I was hoping to get that lumber painted today (once it dried out) but the wind gusted the entire day and never let up.

Of course I wound up doing a bunch of other stuff throughout the day... but honestly at this point it is all a bit of a blur... and probably not worth remarking upon to boot. I have a feeling that I am in for a lot of days like that ahead... and when it comes right down to it I just have to keep plugging along until it is all done.

Well, I think that is either 'all the words that I have in me' for this entry... or... 'all the effort I am willing to commit to it' but either way... that is all. I hope that everyone is doing well. Ta ta for now.

P.S. On the off chance anyone wants to contribute to my fundraiser here it is: https://gofund.me/e7ec25a6

A new bird nest that I found while cleaning in the solar shack.

Thanks for reading!

Please check out the Homesteading Community!

Cheers! & Hive On!

All content found in this post is mine!


I hope people start donating. one lady was asking me a bunch of questions, I thought she would but I guess she was being nosy. I told her it was not just you, you had 4 dogs and chickens and one dog was not well, I was hoping that would help.


I read that interaction. People like that are just being nosy and not worth trying to explain things to.
