Moments in the somthing photographic.


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Good morning, today again I want to share another photographic.
It is a fruit tree. The name of the fruit tree is orange lemon. Orange lemon has a lot of nutritional value as well. Everyone likes to eat this round shaped fruit. Oranges are quite readily available in the market at this time of winter. So eating oranges and lemons can have many benefits for the body. The color of this fruit is orange. This tree does not climb on top of other trees and its stalks are spread all around.

The leaves of this fruit tree are evergreen and small. The flowers of this tree also bear a kind of fruit when ripe. These fruit trees or plants are seen they do not die in most cases, because the plant always spreads its are different types of flowers next to the orange lemon garden. I was fascinated to see that.
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I photograph this fruit every day. These fruits are taken from a huge garden next to our city. And these fruits are my favorite. To me it is known as the Orange Garden.
Everyone will be healthy and well.
