Original honey from the forests of Aceh Indonesia

Hi Hiveans !!!

As we all know that bees are one species of insects that are very useful for human life, their presence is often a material for reflection for every human who thinks of the greatness of God.

The presence of bees in human life is one of the bidders and motivators of medical experts to always observe them both in terms of their lives and according to what they produce.

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One of the results found in bees and is quite well known to experts in medicine is the honey that he produces, so people are competing in getting honey. Different ways people obtain ways to get it either livestock or hunting in a small forest where there is a beehive that produces honey.

One of my friends who works as a wild honey hunter who often operates in the Aceh forest area. But unfortunately the location of the beehive is kept secret by this friend because it is one of his assets in earning a living.

He said that, there were hundreds of wild beehives made on the edge of cliffs and plants that were very far from human reach, but one of the interesting things was the honeycomb that was built by the altar itself in trees or fields of cannabis that grew in the middle cannabis trees.

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Beehives built on teak trees and next to these trees grow cannabis plants that are always visited by the bees themselves and always suck the cannabis starch, but the honey produced by the bees themselves has no impact on the conditions or the hangover effects derived from the extract cannabis starch, apparently it tastes sweeter and tastier when consuming it.

Then, in addition to beehives that always consume cannabis plant starch extracts, there are also beehives that always visit nutmeg plants that grow near other trees, meaning that if the bees suck different plant starches, the taste of honey produced by them is also different.

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Even though they have different taste, Aceh honey from wild forests has healthy contents so it is very good for the body in preventing diseases or treating all diseases suffered by humans.

The benefits of honey for health

Everyone is very fond of honey because honey besides having benefits also has a sweet taste. The sweet taste of honey is different from the taste given by sugar. The reason, the source of the sweet taste that is typical of honey is sourced from:


fructose monosaccharides and glucose. The calorie content of sugar is also able to absorb fat, especially when consumed together with warm water when consuming it.

As for the benefits if it is consumed it will obtain benefits for the health of the human body such as:

UsefulnessCure disease
HoneyStrengthens the body's immunity
HoneyEnergy source for the body
HoneyNatural medicine to cure colds and coughs
HoneyThe solution to not developing diabetes

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UsefulnessCure disease
HoneyHigh antioxidant content so it can prevent cancer
HoneyCan reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke
HoneyCan narrow the bad development of cholesterol in the body
HoneyCan control your weight
HoneyMake body skin bright and healthy
HoneyCure wounds

And there are many other benefits to human health that are not mentioned here. In personal experience that this honey has also been used by my wife in treating wounds resulting from surgical scars, and how to use it is also very simple by applying genuine liquid honey to the scar site. Then the scar gradually heals and closes quickly.

But unfortunately there are many people who manipulate the authenticity of honey itself and are sold to people in the case that the original honey has been mixed with other ingredients such as syrup and coloring agents so as to change the authenticity of honey itself.

The purpose of the person is only to reap their own benefits so that if you check the truth in one bottle there is only about 20% of the original honey while the rest only contains syrup or water and brown sugar whose color resembles real honey.

So be careful in buying it because you will get a loss. Then how do you distinguish between genuine honey and fake honey?

Then the explanation in terms of distinguishing between genuine and fake honey will be mentioned in a future post, complete with pictures and tutorials.

To be continue...
Classification of photo & writing
In the photo withVIVO Y12 smartphone
Photo Settingsprofesional
Camerasmartphone VIVO Y12
ThemesOriginal honey from the forests of Aceh Indonesia🌱
Text referencePersonal observations & Adopt the words of health experts✎


That cross section of the honeycomb looks amazing!

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