6/10/2019 - Trip with Crystal Quartz


I wrote this one morning after having one of those dreams that reveal information to us. Where suddenly you wake up and say: what? it is real?

Esto lo escribí una mañana luego de haber tenido uno de esos sueños que nos revelan información. Donde de pronto te despiertas y dices: qué? es real?

I invite you to read the entire post, as I will talk a little about the properties of Crystal Quartz.

Los invito a leer el post completo, ya que hablaré un poco acerca de las propiedades que tiene el Cuarzo Cristal.

This post are bilingual // Este post es bilingüe


This quartz is the protagonist of this trip // Este cuarzo es el protagonista de este viaje.

Last night, with a Crystal quartz in my hands, I asked him before bed to guide me in my dreams to the depths of my being, to the depths of my soul.

Anoche, con un cuarzo Cristal en mis manos, le pedí antes de dormir que me guiara en mis sueños hacia lo más profundo de mi ser, a lo más profundo de mi alma.

At that time, I was still a little incredulous of what could happen in my dreams, I placed him right next to me. And I let it all happen after I entered the dream, and let him surprise me.

En ese momento, todavía algo incrédulo de lo que pudiese pasar en mis sueños, lo coloqué a mi lado, pegado a mí. Y dejé que todo ocurriese después de entrar en el sueño, y me sorprendiera.

And magically the next morning, I dreamed that I was going to Venezuela (my home), and I could feel someone very dear to me, feel that hug that I so badly need, that feeling of seeing my loved ones and being with them living.

Y mágicamente a la mañana siguiente, soñé que iba a Venezuela (mi hogar), y pude sentir a un ser muy querido para mí, sentir ese abrazo que tanta falta me hace, esa sensación de ver a mis seres queridos y estar con ellos viviendo.

When I woke up, I couldn't help not thinking about it, I realized that we can certainly work with stones and quartz, as long as we have permission (and we have requested it).

Al despertarme no pude evitar no pensar en eso, me di cuenta que ciertamente, podemos trabajar con piedras y cuarzos, siempre y cuando tengamos el permiso (y lo hayamos pedido).

I can just say thanks... because it astrally took me where I asked for it, and it is true, in the depths of my being, of my heart, there is a great feeling for my family, for those people who have made my life more beautiful and bearable...

Sólo puedo decir gracias... porque astralmente me llevó a donde lo pedí, y es cierto, en lo más profundo de mi ser, de mi corazón, habita un gran sentimiento por mi familia, por esas personas que han hecho mi vida más bonita y llevadera...

But you may wonder, why I chose this quartz for this trip?

Pero se preguntaran, por qué elegí este cuarzo para este viaje?

Crystal Quartz is one of the minerals that has the most benefits. It collects energy, power, amplifies it and directs it where you want.

El Cuarzo Cristal es uno de los minerales que más beneficios tiene. Recoge la energía, la potencia, la amplifica y la dirige hacia donde tú quieres.

Of all the minerals, Crystal Quartz is perhaps the best known and at the same time the least known. It is composed of silica, belongs to the group of oxides and is crystallized by high geological pressures and temperatures in rhombic systems. It is one of the most common in the earth's crust and is also one of the minerals that gives you the most benefits. As a curious fact, I tell you that what fuels the Earth's magnetic field are quartz crystals.

De todos los minerales el Cuarzo Cristal es quizá el más conocido y a la par el más desconocido. Está compuesto de sílice, pertenece al grupo de los óxidos y es cristalizado por las altas presiones y temperaturas geológicas en sistemas rómbicos. Es uno de los más comunes en la corteza terrestre y es también uno de los minerales que más beneficios te aporta. Como dato curioso te comento que lo que alimenta el campo magnético de la Tierra son cristales de cuarzo.

When talking about minerals, you should be aware of the capacity they have to capture and transform energy. Quartz is characterized by its support, that is, by the amount of energy it can support. It is important because it also keeps it inside and expands it around you.

Al hablar de minerales debes de ser consciente de la capacidad que éstos tienen de captar y transformar la energía. El cuarzo se caracteriza por su soporte, es decir, por la cantidad de energía que puede soportar. Es importante porque también la guarda en su interior y la expande a su alrededor.

Crystal Quartz has always been in all cultures. It is present both on altars and on tables because it is a mineral that focuses energy. Since ancient times, crystal quartz has been considered a gem of great value. The prestige it had back then was much greater than it has today. There is a story that Nero had two glasses of this mineral carved to drink on great occasions since it was thought that the crystal quartz attracted the favor of the gods. The Arabs also made beautiful amulets with this gem to ensure good luck. Due to its beauty and properties, it has always been one of the favorite gems of carvers for all time.

El Cuarzo Cristal siempre ha estado en todas las culturas. Está presente tanto en altares como en mesas porque es un mineral que focaliza la energía. Desde la antigüedad, el cuarzo de cristal se le ha considerado una gema de mucho valor. El prestigio que tenía entonces es mucho mayor del que tiene hoy en día. Existe una historia que cuenta que Nerón se hizo tallar dos copas de este mineral para beber en las grandes ocasiones ya que se pensaba que el cuarzo de cristal atraía el favor de los dioses. Los árabes también realizaban hermosos amuletos con esta gema para asegurarse de la buena suerte. Por su belleza y propiedades siempre ha sido una de las gemas preferidas de los talladores durante todos los tiempos.

The truth is that not so much I put my dreams on paper. For inexplicable things in life, I did it with that one, and days ago I read it in my notebook, so I wanted to share it with you.

La verdad es que no mucho plasmo mis sueños en papel. Por cosas inexplicables en la vida, lo hice con éste, y hace días lo leí en mi cuaderno, así que quise compartirlo con ustedes.

The source I consulted to provide you with better information:

La fuente que consulté para brindarles una mejor información: https://www.karinarando.es/propiedades-cuarzo-cristal/

The image used for this post is mine and the quartz too.

La imagen utilizada para este post, es mía y el cuarzo también.


Bellísimo - bella imagen y bello sueño. Los minerales son unos aliados poderosísimos! Yo necesito empezar a trabajar con ellos de nuevo - me ha estado llamando esa medicina tan sútil que son las meditaciones, las piedras, trabajar la tierra. Un poco más calmadas que las medicines indígenas a las que estoy acostumbrada actualmente 😂


Tu publicación ha sido curada por @neyxirncn para Natural Medicine. Colmena Curativa es un proyecto para la comunidad en español de HIVE.

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Siii! Yo también he tenido esa sensación de querer re-conectarme con estas medicinas que mencionas, pero también con medicinas indígenas, y pronto lo haré.

Gracias ♥


he loves sunbaths :)


Yes! he loves it! Thanks for noticing and perceiving it! :)


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It's a beautiful crystal and a powerful one - I wonder it it even dreams of going back to the place from which it came?

Dreams and the etheric body are such powerful healers and connectors - it is when we listen and learn to read the symbols that this outer-crazy world makes a little more sense.

I hope that son you will be going home.


It is SO beautiful, I love it and it is one of my favorites, not only for its power and beauty but because it was a gift! Once I went on a trip to Caracas - in Venezuela, to take some intensive ballet classes, and in the house where I arrived, he was there and as soon as I saw him, I fell in love. A few days later, the person who received me in this house told me that he was giving it to me, that it was from someone who had been there, but forgot it when he left. Even those same days was when I bought the labradorites (I bought three and gave two, and I kept one)

And yes! Just these last two weeks, I have been connecting a lot with dreams, interpreting the messages they bring, and enjoying that unique energy that is felt when sleeping and gradually entering a deeper field. Really magical. And of course it helps us a lot to know how to manage this really crazy world a little more.

Thank you, Artemislives. ♥


I like the little mythological facts you include at the end - really interesting. We find bits of quartz in a lot of rocks around here, but not as beautiful as your crystal.


Thank you! And yes, it is so great to be able to always be surrounded by them that sometimes we do not realize it, but they are always there, it is just to observe and feel them. As in the story that I told you in one of my posts, where I was walking on the mountain and I began to carefully observe the ground and there was a nice gift for me from the mountain.

Hugs, riverflows ♥
