How important are the natural herbs - how well do we utilize the herbs.


  • Natural herbs is certainly one that has been overlooked by many, i mean GOD has given us these things freely and get we don't fully utilized them.
    These natural herbs can serves as food, medicine or raw materials, it should be known that most veggies we consumed are highly medicinal, whether we know or not.
    Have you ever wondered while animals that feed on herbs are way stronger and healthy, infact most ot the herbivores animals are very useful not only as meat. Example is the cattle's bile, used as a raw material for some digestive medicines and other raw materials in industrial medicines.

  • Herbs as seen everywhere can not be overemphasized, My grandpa once told me when he visited Asia, he saw where herbs are fully utilized, and have to appreciate nature the more seeing the importance. Average Asian feeds or uses on veggies, the results are evidents, and it has been proven that herbs are blessings if used adequately.

To me, Moringa known as drumstick tree in some region is one of the under-appreciated and under-value herbs, commonly grown in asia and part of africa. Some people do refer to it as a miracle tree as all its parts are useful.


  • Moringa roots are a rich properties of antibiotics which is used to treat different ailments, it should however be used adequately, at right quantity, high concentration of antibiotics are not quite good for the body.
    Apart from the root, the bark of the tree also has almost the same properties as the root,
    Its seed can be dried and be plant again as it can also be eaten. The commonest part of the moringa tree people are well used to is its leaf. Moringa leaves is a rich source of protein, its been cooked and into sauce, infact just like the african spinach,lagos spinach or jute, moringa is a rich source of protein when eaten as vegetables or eaten raw. Yes, I've seen people eaten the raw leaves. Apart from supplying proteins,its can also lower cholesterol and regulate blood pressure thats why in some african home they can't do without the moringa, Not forgetting its flowers too.

Any which way, i still feel these herbs should be embraced and we should find a way to grow all these trees in the garden.


Moringa leaves is a rich source of protein, its been cooked and into sauce, infact just like the....

Can I add that it's a good source of chlorophyll?

How about that?
