What is Spirituality to me?



I've been reading posts from the #naturalmedicine Community and came across the Spirituality Challenge posted by @miriannalis.

I've been reading some of the entries and all have been really interesting and I couldn't help it but think about my own opinion on this topic.

I invite @tsunsica to participate.


The challenge's questions are:

  • What is spirituality for you?
  • How do you experience spirituality? Have you had any mystical experience?
  • Who is a spiritual Master for you?
  • What practice would you recommend to achieve a spiritual connection or development?
  • What impact does a spiritual life have on your healing processes?

I'll focus more on the first one. I've never been a very religious person but I do consider myself a spiritual person at some level, for me #spirituality is the connection with everything, with the world, with other living beings and also the connection between mind, body and soul.

Most religions talk about a connection with a higher power, I don't know if all religions mention that, I haven't read about each one of them.

I don't pray to a God, I respect all religions and I really admire how persons find faith and strength in the power of praying.

The common thing I find in most beliefs is the trust in a power, it doesn't matter if it's a being, if it's energy, if it's the universe, the point is that is something bigger than us.

And we're all connected with that energy.

As I said, spirituality for me is connection, a high spirituality is the result of having all those connections balanced, your own mind, body and soul being in harmony, aiming for the same direction so you can find inner peace, and being in peace with yourself helps you understand others, not that you get all the answers but you can understand what others are going through because your mind isn't overwhelmed.

I'm not used to meditate in the full sense of the word, but not the same form of meditation is supposed to work on everybody. I realized that I've had deeper thoughts when I'm drawing or painting, so I see that as my way of meditation, and meditating is when I feel that connection with my surrounding world, I can hear the wind moving the leaves of the trees outside, and that same wind moving my hair; I can hear my pets breathing the same air I breathe, it hear my neighbors, some complaining, some laughing, all of us under the roof of the same building.

All of us, persons, animals, plants, elements coexisting in the same space, it makes me feel part of something bigger and at the same time each one with our individuality.

When I'm feeling down either by having a bad day or receiving bad news I draw to reach my meditation point where I feel connected with the world, I don't see myself as a tiny insignificant point in a random place in the universe, I see myself as part of that huge universe and that makes me feel special in spirit, thinking that I share the same energy flowing through me with the energy of the sun shinning everywhere, with the energy of the plants growing, flowers blossoming, water waving.

Spirituality is an unstoppable force.


Until Next time
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Beautiful words. I really enjoyed reading your post.

I agree with you, the harmonic balance between mind, body and soul is what can lead us to live congruently and have inner peace. Once we achieve that balance we can understand our environment.

Thank you for being part of this initiative 🙏🏻✨


I enjoyed thinking about this topic, is something that is always there but not something I stop to think deeply about, I sort of just feel it.


Yes, I feel it's something more to experience it, to feel it.


I can relate on so many things you've mentioned. I particularly like how you described connections with the world around us. And also how instead of meditation you like to feel a meditative state when you can let go and simply be, and feel the things around you. This is also the case for me.


That connection also helped me to overcome recent loses, I miss persons who passed away but i know their energy is still around, and they're still present in a different form somehow


You could say it is due to you remembering them that makes them remain for a while. But again, this is just my own spiritual belief, but I think it makes sense. If I was the one who'd passed on, I would like to stay around while others remember me.


“ I don't see myself as a tiny insignificant point in a random place in the universe, I see myself as part of that huge universe”

That is such a wonderful thing to think and feel. I believe that a lot of people need to hear this. Too many people for too many years have thought that they are tiny nothings in this massive universe.

You are wise.

Posted on NaturalMedicine.io


That's called active meditation! Beautiful, when you use your diffuse atettion to grab your meditation and explore it, it happen to me when i play music, or when i write about something! Excellent post!


I didn't know it was called active meditation, I'll look more into it, interesting how meditation can be reached from different activities.
