The Keto Diet!


So i have been on a keto diet for some days now and it really hasn't been easy on my body. Few days ago my body was going into ketosis i guess, because i became quite sick for a few days.

For those of us who have little or no clue on what keto means,ill try to make you understand. So basically Ketogenic” is a term for a low-carb diet . [source]( idea is for you to get more or if possible all calories from protein and fat and less from carbohydrates. You cut back most on the carbohydratess that are easy to digest, like sugar, soda, pastries, and white bread. When you start to do this it will surprise you how dependent we have become on refined sugars and how quick and drastic the changes you would experience would be.
You would start seeing significant reduction in your belly size and waist line. You would also feel less bloated and lighter, would also improve your bowel movements .A ketogenic diet typically limits carbs to 20–50 grams per day. This may seem challenging, but many nutritious foods can easily fit into this way of .


Proteins are faster to digest ,keeps you full or long, satisfactory and have a lot of vitamins for good skin and hair growth too. When on a keto diet there at a whole lots of proteins for you to feed on while on the diet. I'll be listing a few for you today:

* Avocados

* Eggs

* cheese

* Fish

* Chicken

* beef

* Sea foods

* low carb veggies

* plain yogurt

* coconut oil and olive .

* nuts and (peanuts, cashew, almonds , etc.

* Butters and creams. Etc.

There are a whole lots of varsities one can survive on while on this diet. Just in case yo are busy wondering if it is safe and medically proven then the answer is yes. But this isn't a go ahead without seeing your doctor to now if your medically fit for a diet like this. As i m no medical expert here 😀.

Going on this diet has a bunch of health benefits that we can't finish talking about in one post guys , so I'll advice you make more research before embarking on it Kay? There are a whole lot of health benefits associated with the keto diet but it also has its dangers and shouldn't be done for to long. The keto diet is great for losing that mean belly fat and dropping a
few dress size quickly.

  • Low-Carb Diets Reduce Your Appetite. ...Making you eat less.

    • Low-Carb Diets Lead to More Weight Loss at First. ... As there is no or little sugar in the body to burn ,it would start burning the reserved carbs then burns the fat there by, promoting weight loss.
    • A Greater Proportion of Fat Loss Comes from the tommy
    • May Lower Blood Pressure

    And lots more .

    So I would remain on the diet for a while till .my goals are achieved


    Curious as to why you chose keto and why you equate "getting sick" with going into ketosis? How are you feeling now? Better we hope. Still on the diet? A "My 1 Week Experience of Going Keto" would be interesting for others to read. Is it easy? What are you eating? Keep it original and personal and people will be interested.

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