Focus of my Diet


Colorful Pastel Photography Vegan Food Talking Presentation.jpg

Yesterday I wrote this post where I told you guys what I was eating on a regular basis but I forgot to talk about why I was eating that particular diet and what are my goals with it. So if it was not that obvious I am going for a Low Carb Diet which means I have cut down my daily Carb intake by about 80% which is huge considering 60% of my diet was composed of Carbs beforehand.

I have been focusing my Diet on being Protein-Rich so that my body starts to break the fatty molecules in my body for the Calorie Deficit I am providing it. I haven't calculated the exact Calorie values but I know I am eating way less than my Body requires and a sign of that is that I feel quite sleepy around evening which is a sign that my body has low energy and needs to preserve whatever energy is left to survive.

Now once you start feeling that your body now does not require sleep every evening it means that your body has now started to break down your Fatty Molecules and you are on track to get your weight down. Speaking of weight down I do have a target to lose around 20 Kgs through this diet and my regular walks which I know is a tough task but you gotta aim high right.

So my Main Focus is to Lose Weight in like 2 Months

