[ESP - ENG] Prepara un Delicioso y Nutritivo Snacks: Vainitas Salteadas con Alcaparra *** Prepare a Delicious and Nutritious Snack: Sautéed Vanitas with Capers


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Saludos estimada comunidad amante de la comida y el buen sabor #foodiebeehive, deseo se encuentren disfrutando de buena salud y tengan un feliz y bendecido sábado.
Hoy les comparto una #receta para preparar: Vainitas salteadas con alcaparras servidas con pan árabe, ideales para un snacks o compartir en familia. Esta receta es sencilla de preparar, primero remojé las alcaparras durante 6 horas para extraer la sal, luego colé y reservé.

Las alcaparras aportan un gran sabor y aroma , además son una importante fuente de vitamina E y antioxidantes, entre sus beneficios se pueden mencionar; fortalece los huesos, hidrata la piel,regula el peso entre otros.
Las Vainitas, contienen vitamina B y minerales como el Hierro, Calcio y fósforo, es un vegetal muy versátil se pude consumir en ensaladas, guisos, sopas y más, a mi me gusta que quede al dente.


Greetings dear community of food lovers and good taste #foodiebeehive, I wish you are enjoying good health and have a happy and blessed Saturday.
Today I share with you a #recipe to prepare: sautéed vanitas with capers served with Arabic bread, ideal for a snack or to share with family. This recipe is simple to prepare, I first soaked the capers for 6 hours to extract the salt, then strained and set aside.

Capers provide a great flavor and aroma, they are also an important source of vitamin E and antioxidants, among its benefits can be mentioned; strengthens bones, moisturizes the skin, regulates weight among others.
Vanitas contain vitamin B and minerals such as iron, calcium and phosphorus, it is a very versatile vegetable that can be consumed in salads, stews, soups and more, I like it al dente.

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Vainita (60 gr)
Cebolla morada (1/2)
Pimentón (1/2)
Ajo (2)
Alcaparra (70 gr)
Pimienta molida.


Vanilla (60 gr)
Purple onion (1/2)
Paprika (1/2)
Garlic (2)
Capers (70 gr)
Ground pepper.

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Lavé los vegetales con agua y vinagre.


I washed the vegetables with water and vinegar.

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Corté las vainitas.

I cut the pods.

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Pelé y trituré los ajos, además corté el pimentón y cebolla en cubos

I peeled and crushed the garlic, and cut the bell pepper and onion into cubes.

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Llevé al fuego las vainitas y cociné por 5 minutos, retiré y reservé

I took the beans to the fire and cooked for 5 minutes, removed and set aside.

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Sofreí las vainitas y alcaparra por 3 minutos.

I sautéed the pods and capers for 3 minutes.

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Luego agregué cebolla, pimentón , ajo, pimienta, salteé por 4 minutos a fuego medio y retiré.

Then I added onion, paprika, garlic, pepper, sautéed for 4 minutes over medium heat and removed.


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Terminada la cocción serví , acompañé con pan árabe, agregué maíz y listo! un delicioso snacks para compartir.

Once it was cooked, I served it, accompanied with Arab bread, added corn and that's it! A delicious snack to share.

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Espero sea de su agrado y se animen a prepararlo.

I hope you like them and are encouraged to prepare them.



Translated with https://www.deepl.com/translator

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              All images are my own, captured by a Síragon LC-3000 camera, dividers courtesy of @kattycrochet   

         Todas las imágenes son de mi autoría, capturadas por una cámara Síragon LC-3000, separadores cortesía de @kattycrochet 


That looks tasty. Did it take long to make? I'm a bit of a lazy cook, so the quicker the better for me. 😆

@tipu curate


Hi @minismallholding, the preparation time is quick 10 to 12 minutes, while you cut the dressings, boil the pods for 5 minutes, remove sauté with the dressings and capers, season to taste, serve on bread and ready.

Happy and blessed day!
