Hampstead - Movie Review πŸŽ₯


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It is a movie that deals with the actual story in the village of Hampstead, located in Northern London, UK.
Like a pretty village, a calm romcom that happened in Hampstead.

The main character Emily is a person who has an ordinary daily life, which has a very British atmosphere. Her husband dies, she was living a dull life and a variety of forms of secret.

She does not go back, she always receives the reciprocity from the National Tax Service.
She should solve her now to solve this economic problem, sell her debt to her debt and go to her small rural village.

Emily's apartments now live in some extent, which is economically affordable, and Emily has built his friendship with them, and she sometimes enjoys a tea party and she is living with anything that she is doing.

Emily is an ordinary woman, so she has no job. She tells she is working as a service in a small and pretty store she sells clothes for charity.

Emily's surrounding friends living in a luxurious apartment are protested to maintain an apartment price and demonstrate that the transmission tower should be demolished to improve the residential environment, ruins, and a nice apartment People who are struggling to come in. They are in the middle of the village and are promoting a new urban planning and a new urban planning.

But there is an Irish man who is living with a shameful cabin in the middle of this park. He is always a physical attack to demolish the cabin from the villagers and the village parliament.

But he was already in a park that has nothing to do in a park that has already been in a 17 year ago and lived quietly without damaging others.

Suddenly, the original land owner suddenly has a reconstruction project, claiming that he is illegal and has been in the land of his own, and has not been taxed once, and it is caused by a house that does not have taxes and not to work.

One day Emily, she organizes old things in the attic, and she looks around to see the old telescope to see where the old telescopes are still doing well, and she will see Donald's living alone in the forest.

Because she would not be able to fit the beautiful city Hamsted that he lives, she knows that the donalds who have been in curiosity and the crowned Donalds have been in the difficulties that the house should be demolished.

She suddenly lived in normal stable Emily, she suddenly lived in the donalds who live freely in the forest in a troubled car with a troublesome car.

Could you go to the city girl and the man who live in nature, can not be right?
Is it kicked out with the bare hand that I lived with a long time of a long time in the land of others, Is Emily, who is important here, is Emily, can she take off her packaging and live a life that meets her own fountain?

What is the end of this movie that is based on the true story of '100,000 homeless'?

Movie Link: https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/441728-hampstead
