That's A Wrap (Snow Dogs)

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Any time I am watching something on my phone I will inadvertently touch the screen bringing up a menu. A large portion of the time it has something to do with screen casting so I figured I would try it out and watch Snow Dogs on my television from youtube. This was my first time seeing this Cuba Gooding Junior movie.

In the beginning I was confused because the scenery was not what I expected with such a title. It shows Ted as a little boy in his fathers dental office on a take your kids to work type of event.

Years later he has his own dental practice and all is well until the fateful day a letter arrives and he learns he is not who he thought he was. And this is when the fun begins.

Ted takes some time off work to travel to Alaska and find out he has inherited a plot of land with a cabin and a team of sled dogs. He starts out taking pictures of the items so that he can sell the stuff. He is then approached by Thunder Jack (played by James Coburn). The man wants all the dogs and offers Ted two hundred dollars. They are interrupted by Barb (played by Joanna Bacalso) Who yells at Thunder Jack mentioning the true worth of all the dogs. This causes Thunder Jack to leave but has not made him change his mind. He really only wants the lead dog, Demon.

During Teds time in Alaska he learns a lot about sledding and himself. But there is still something missing. He ends up returning to Miami after giving Thunder Jack the dogs.

Back in Miami he decides to watch the snow dog race. His mother comes to visit him and sees some pictures he brought back with him and accidentally drops one breaking the glass and discovering a hidden picture. This brings Ted to the realization that Thunder Jack lied to him and immediately Ted heads back to Alaska.

Upon arrival Barb informs him that Thunder Jack left the night before ahead of the snow storm and so Ted decides to go after him and discovers the truth.

What is this mystery, Who is Ted really and what happens in the end? To find that out you must watch this movie.

Thanks for reading and if you watch this let me know your thoughts. Did you enjoy it as much as I did?

Posted using CineTV


That seems to be an interesting story, I think this one will be different of the other ones. Nowadays, there are same stories seen everywhere.

