Village Women Activists Vs Sexual Crimes |


THE RISE of cases of sexual harassment against women has reached a very alarming point. We often encounter cases of harassment in our immediate environment, starting from catcalling, touching body parts without permission, to the most severe in the form of rape.

Not long ago, from as of January 15, 2021, a case of sexual abuse against a minor was reported in Kutamakmur District, North Aceh (Indonesia). The perpetrator was a middle-aged man, who tricked the victim and his family on the pretext of treating uterine cancer and possessing a genie.

The government seems less responsive in dealing with all violence and sexual harassment. Law Number 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights, Law Number 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence, and others, have not been able to reduce the spike in the number of violence and harassment in Indonesia.

Throughout 2020, the results of Unicef ​​research and those quoted from the Aceh representative Unicef ​​child protection staff, Zaina Anggraini, based on the Symphony Online Information System data, cases of sexual violence in Aceh were in second place in 2018 and third in 2019.

Unfortunately, one of the efforts to fight cases of sexual harassment and violence through the establishment of a legal umbrella is still hitting a wall. The PKS Bill (Draft Law on the Elimination of Sexual Violence), to this day, has not been passed. In fact, this law is needed in fighting sex crimes and protecting society in general, especially women.

If we wait for this regulation to come into existence, it is feared that the rate of sexual harassment and violence will continue to increase. Therefore, new efforts and approaches are needed to educate, make awareness of, and prevent the birth of new cases.

In the case of the Aceh region, the presence of qanuns should be a source of alternative law that sided with women. Instead of protecting them, the regulations that were published instead required the victim to present evidence and a minimum of four witnesses. Meanwhile, the perpetrator can be acquitted of all charges of rape if he is willing to take the oath five times.

It is not surprising that from the data compiled by the Aceh Women and Children Empowerment Integrated Service Center (P2TP2A), sexual violence against children reported and handled by the Aceh women's and children's integrated service center during 2019 reached 1,044 cases. This is based on reports from public complaints, while there are still many that are not reported to get a case resolution.

Village women's activists

It is time for the government to optimize the protection of women and children from sexual violence. In overcoming all problems of sexual violence, victims should receive primary attention to be protected and perpetrators should be tried as fairly as possible.

This optimization can start from the village level, through the formation of an institution for Village Women Activists that can become a forum for complaints, socialization of early childhood sex education, or overcoming and preventing sexual violence against women and children.

With this institution, the village community will know where to report and can get guidance and direction on cases at hand, before taking legal action.

As a form of efforts to prevent violence against children and women, through Village Women Activists, a Village Women Complaint Service unit can be formed, whose elements consist of village officials, Tuha Peut, and community groups who have similar concerns.

In general, services at the village level made the complaints process more open because of the social ties between them. With this complaint, preventive steps and solutions can be formulated for the cases at hand.

The author highly recommends the formation of a women's institution in the village, because this program can be a breakthrough for the government in fighting sexual harassment cases in the regions.

In addition, the government can implement strategies to empower women, especially those who are victims of sexual violence. This empowerment can be in the form of post-traumatic psychological and mental handling, provision of certain skills training, or community education so that each victim can be accepted by his presence in the community without scorn.

Talking about the village, so far the Youth Organization has been formed. Karang Taruna is an association of young people and other components of society to carry out youth activities and at the same time overcome various social welfare problems, especially those faced by the younger generation.

So that the goals of Village Women Activists can be achieved properly, one way to do this is by cooperating with the Youth Organization. This kind of collaborative effort, besides being able to help handle cases, can also be an opportunity to instill awareness of the problems faced by women and children among young people.

For the author, the involvement of women in the formation of this program is very crucial so that it can be accepted by the community. Seminars and outreach needs to be carried out in the centers in order to build awareness regarding the modes of sexual harassment and violence, so as to increase women's awareness of the dangers that lurk.

Cases of abuse under the pretext of treatment of uterine cancer and the inclusion of the genie as mentioned by the author could have been prevented if educational forms had been accepted.

In the end, whatever program you want to make, it still requires the support and participation of all elements of society. Hopefully, through women empowerment and child development programs, the village can be free of sexual violence in order to create a dignified, advanced, and happy society. []

**Alicya Putri Gunawan, student of Arun National Capital High School, Lhokseumawe. The favorite winner of the student category of the "Hope for Aceh Change" Article Writing Competition held by Malikussaleh University and supported by Mubadala Petroleum, Premier Oil, and SKK Migas._
Noted: All articles are posted with the consent of the participants.


From what I understand, you're making a post with someone else's research paper, right? Alicya Putri Gunawan wrote this and you just copied and pasted here?


This article has been included in the competitions we are in and I am posting it here with the permission of the participants. If you see, all the articles that were submitted to the competitions that we held, I post them here and we share the link with the participants. do you think that's wrong?


I never said it was wrong or right, but I did want clarification before upvoting. I think the topic is extremely important for the Hive community, but I don't want to upvote posts that take someone else's work and post it as their own. I'm glad the participants are working with you. It sounds like a worthy project.


I'm a writer and really appreciate the copyrights of others. Before our title race, it has been announced that all entries will be posted. No one objected to that. But anyway, thank you for your attention.


It would help if you said something in the post about how the content came about. I don't know what a title race is. Please pass on to the author that I appreciate her work!


Thank you for your attention and suggestions. I would like to convey your appreciation to the author.
