The sentence method of teaching beginning reading


One if the method used in teaching beginning reading is the sentence method, the sentence method with not take you long to grasp. It is a natural extension or procession from the letter (alphabet) and word (look and say) methods. It is very similar to the word method in its emphasis on meaning.


You may be surprised by what is included by the term ' sentence '. What do you think a sentence is? For the beginning reader, it is group of printed words that make sense. Which means it could be "Jaja ran and jumped " or it could be " in the market. "(' strictly speaking, in formal grammar, ' in the market ' would be described as a phrase, and this explains why the phrase method is sometimes separately identified. The phrase method is however essentially the same as sentences method.)

Like the word method, the group of words is presented to your pupil along with a picture. The picture provides the context for comprehending the sentence. By giving your pupils sentences to read right from the beginning, those who choose this method feel that the pupils will read with fluency and
speed. While speed and fluency are acknowledged attributes to comprehension in the advance grade level.

now is it possible in learning a new task to perform perfectly the first time? Doesn't someone learning to ride a bicycle, learn to steer, balance, and pedal but still fall many times? Will the apprentice learning to sew, stitch a straight seam the first day?

Critics have suggested that it is impractical to expect the pupils to acquire the skill of reading without passing through the subsidiary stages of stumbling over difficult words or rereading words and phrases.

In fact miscue analysis has become an important diagnostic tool to help the teacher to access the reading ability of the pupils. Reading word for word may be necessary at the initial stage of learning to read. Acquiring any skill is a long and often slow process. The sentence method may underrate the complexity of reading and the need for flexibility.

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