How to Protect Yoursel From Covid-19


The coronavirus disease otherwise known as COVID-19 or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus 2 as is a highly infectious disease that is attributed to the family of viruses known as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. We tend to get infected when we have physical contact with an infected person, which may be in the form of droplets of saliva or fomites. Now the virus whiles many seem to be able to recover many who get infected also end up losing their lives. With more research been done to still comprehend the virus and hopefully bring out a potent cure that would help save lives it is more important than ever to protect yourself from getting infected in the process help curb the spread.

A lot of us have been hearing these things day in day out on our television sets and on social media however i would like to reiterate so we can continue to do what is right in these trying times. The first thing to look at is regular hand washing under running. Soaps and detergent are known to be able to remove the virulent coating of the virus, the running water would ensure that they are removed from your body. Then we are admonished to have hand sanitizers with us wherever we go and to use it as often as we can especially after using public entrances, public transport, receiving money etc. You can never be too careful.

It is important that we wear our nose masks wherever we go since this may protect us from aerosol and droplets from infected persons we may get into contact with without knowing. After been in a public place do well to take a quick bath before you interact with your family and keep the clothing in the sun for a while or wash them immediately to kill any virus that may have found its way on it.

Children and the aged ought to be more careful and if possible kept from overcrowded places. Always remember the virus likes mucous surfaces and unless they actually find their way into you, you remain uninfected. So do not give them the chance. Have a great day and thanks for reading.

