The essential learning of the movement phenomenon



Innumerable are the phenomena that have surrounded the man during all their history, phenomena that are developed in a natural way in our very complex environment and this has made that we have to know of them to be able to survive in this universe, in this opportunity we will begin to know the most important of them as it is it the movement, since we can affirm or to say that all the activities that we carry out take immersed any type of mobility and their application is so natural that we forget of where we have learned everything related to this phenomenon.


In any learning process it is necessary to transmit to our students that we must always start with the simplest to consolidate each of the links that make up our chain of knowledge, that is, with the simple we shape the complex, it is important to emphasize that man through science has managed to structure the most powerful of the tools for obtaining any kind of knowledge and that our academies have become the epicenter of the dissemination of such knowledge.


The phenomenon of the movement is very complex and, therefore, to know on this merits of much dedication and excellent didactic strategies that can manage to catch the attention of our students, the interesting thing of the movement is that we can observe it in any space-time of our lives, reason why this characteristic facilitates the practical side at the moment of interpolating a theoretical example with the reality.

Physical science constitutes that branch of science in charge of the interpretation of essential natural phenomena such as movement, and we can say that it is based on base mobilities that have been called rectilinear, circular, parabolic, elliptical and hyperbolic, from here we can start towards other forms of mobilities which, like base movements, require at the same time the company of any geometric place represented by a certain form or figure contributed by our geometry.

We have made a tour in a general way to obtain any learning related to the movement phenomenon, however, we must mention kinematics as a sub tool of our physical science, and it specializes in knowing every mobility of our environment without taking into account the cause that originates it, therefore, we know this branch of science as the science of movement and that together with the geometric places described above give the characteristics to every manifestation of mobility present in our existence.


In this opportunity we will begin to know in a general way the most common manifestations of mobility in our lives representing one of them, the rectilinear movement, and that geometric place where a certain particle, body or object goes through when developing such phenomenon, highlighting that through the obtaining of the knowledge of the rectilinear movement we can also know about geometry from a physics perspective, a long but interesting way to go.

Kinematic magnitudes

As we already expressed, kinematics is that branch of physical science that is in charge of the general study of the movement of any particle, body or object, but without taking into account the causes that can cause such mobility, this characteristic not evaluated by kinematics corresponds to dynamics, we can say that there are three essential magnitudes that characterize that subbranch, and they are; position, velocity and acceleration.

*The position, we can say that it represents that place or point where the particle, body or (mobile) object is, in a certain time.

*The speed, represents the change of the position of the mobile in relation to the time and, therefore, this magnitude indicates to us if this mobile is mobilized or not, in short it informs us of the position of the mobile when the time passes.

*The acceleration, this one will indicate us the change of the speed to the moment to pass the time, with this magnitude we can realize if we are in presence of a movement with uniform speed or accelerated.


We can say that this mobility is the best known by all of us, either for its unique development as for the representation of the geometric place where a certain mobile passes through, that is, the straight line, this figure or geometric form represents the cornerstone for the formation of any other more complex figure, this characteristic allows it to be present generally in the transmission of many other geometric figures.

We usually begin to know first the straight line and then to obtain the information related to other geometric figures, in this case because it is the straight movement it is fundamental to use it in the description of the mobility phenomenon since the development of this movement is made by describing such geometric figure.

The trajectories travelled by any particle, body or object when developing a movement have allowed us to give the name to these phenomena with their respective characteristics, just as it happens with the straight line and the rectilinear movement, we can add that a certain straight line trajectory from the vision of geometry could be configured by knowing the coordinates of any of its constituent points and also the inclination angle (if any), with the last variable we obtain its slope (m), and with these two values we structure the equation of the straight line trajectory studied as we see below:


Continuing with the geometric aspect, we can say that another way to determine a straight path is to know two points of that path and use the following formulation:



We express the importance of the analysis of the acceleration in any type of mobility since through it we can know if this mobility is uniform or on the contrary it is accelerated, this is also visualized in the rectilinear movement.

Uniform rectilinear movement

In this aspect, the particle, body or object will travel a straight trajectory with a constant speed and with it it will conserve its intensity as well as its direction and sense, we must emphasize that this mobility we have to consider it in only one dimension so that it is easier for us to carry out its analysis, it is important then to select a certain point of reference of the straight trajectory and, in this trajectory to place our X axis, making sure in this way that the essential variables as, position, speed and displacement we locate them on the same straight trajectory.

It is important to give a practical example that our eyes can constantly see and also any of us can do it, a wonderful example of uniform rectilinear movement as long as we can keep the speed constant, as we can see below:


As this example we could find many others which are part of our daily activities or also developed in a natural way in our environment.

Uniformly accelerated rectilinear movement

The vast majority of the movements that our eyes observe develop with a certain acceleration, whether they are artificial or natural. This means that we have to speak of another type of rectilinear movement such as the accelerated one, since this mobility is characterised by reaching high speeds when travelling along a straight line.

When a particle, body or object accelerates in a natural way we must consider the gravitational action since the same one frequently acts on the present bodies in our universe, this example we could clearly notice it when releasing a certain object from the top of a building, in this type of mobility the change of the speed is happening in a constant way, that is to say, the intervals are to uniform amounts, for this case we will give to know an example that many could observe on all the men to whom generally they are more fans of the baseball than the women.


In the previous example we can observe the natural action of the gravity and the same acts with a constant value, the pícher when throwing a straight line the ball will follow a straight line which will accelerate uniformly by the gravitational action present in the terrestrial surface, this throw is the fastest of the repertoire of this thrower.


We are structuring in a general way the importance of the learning of the movement phenomenon in our lives, and that without a doubt, in our academies we manage to spread such knowledge from a scientific vision, that is to say, ordered and experimental, the movement phenomenon forms and will form part of our lives and therefore we must continue deepening on such learnings.

At any moment of our existence we observe any type of mobility that we have used to improve our quality of life since through science man has transformed them into benefits for all of us, when walking we can develop a rectilinear mobility if we wish and it can be at a constant speed to accelerated according to the rhythm that we apply to this movement.

Our complex universe requires the phenomenon of the movement in all its presentations, to be able to achieve the balance between all the species or bodies that in the same one we make life, for that reason it is always important to expand all the knowledge related to such phenomenon, therefore, in other deliveries we will continue knowing other mobilities that are between us and that facilitate our day to day in this planet.

Bibliographic references

1.- Charles H. Lehmann. Analytical Geometry
2.- Kinematics I: Rectilinear Motion

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