Coronavirus Hoax: United Against the Truth [eng/срп] Коронапревара: Уједињени против истине


ТВ те п*ца у мозак

Recently, a petition called “United against Covid” (Serbian), which was signed by almost 3,000 doctors, caused a big storm in Serbia. If you thought that a true profession was awakening in Serbia as well, you were mistaken…

After the conscientious doctors outraged by the massive disinformation campaign have stepped up and held a press conference in New York, where they explained that there is no epidemic, and that there is a cure for the virus, a synchronized censorship campaign was carried out in a flash in the corporate media and on centralized social platforms.

One hole is clogged but another is open – more than a hundred doctors from all over the world gathered in Madrid, and held a press conference entitled “Doctors for the Truth”. The conclusions were as follows: “This is a world dictatorship with a sanitary excuse,” was stressed at the end of the meeting. Doctors agreed that:

• Coronavirus victims did not outnumber last year’s seasonal flu deaths.
• Figures were exaggerated by altering medical protocols.
• The confinement of the healthy and the forced use of masks have no scientific basis.
• The disease known as Covid-19 does not have a single infectious pattern, but a combination of them.

So, all doctors with a conscience, who are otherwise denied access to corporate media, point to the fact that the pandemic is a lie. In Serbia, however, doctors are asking for the responsibility of the so-called ‘Crisis Headquarters’ (which is fine), but look at their key reason:

“Complete easing of anti-epidemic measures in the pre-election period (rallies, football matches, tournaments, celebrations, etc.) has led to a loss of control over the epidemiological situation and this can in no way be justified by professional motives. The confusion regarding the number of sick and deceased was caused by disagreement with statistical and epidemiological expectations, knowledge from everyday work, and contradictory statements in public.”

They therefore believe that anti-epidemic measures should not have been relaxed, and that the crisis headquarters is actually hiding the number of deaths from Covid. Unbelievable! Let’s explain why it’s so unbelievable…

Недавно је у Србији велику буру изазвала петиција под називом „Уједињени против ковида“, коју је потписало скоро 3000 лекара. Ако сте помислили да се и у Србији буди истинска струка, преварили сте се…

После иступа лекара са савешћу, који су у Њујорку одржали конференцију за штампу озлојеђени масовном кампањом дезинформисања, где су објаснили да никакве епидемије нема, и да лек против вируса постоји, муњевито је спроведена синхронизована кампања цензуре у корпоративним медијима и на централизованим друштвеним платформама.

Једна рупа је запушена, али отворена је друга – у Мадриду, више од стотину савесних лекара из целог света, окупили су се и одржали конференцију за штампу под називом „Лекари за истину“ (енг). Закључци су били следећи: „Ово је светска диктатура под здравственим изговором“, нагласили су на крају састанка. Лекари су се сложили да:

• Број жртава коронавируса није премашио број умрлих од прошлогодишње сезонске епидемије грипа.
• Бројке су преувеличане изменом медицинских протокола.
• Затварање здравих и принуда око ношења маски немају научну основу.
• Болест знана као Ковид-19 нема јединствен образац заразе, већ је комбинација више њих.

Дакле, сви лекари са савешћу, којима је иначе приступ корпоративним медијима ускраћен, указују на чињеницу да је пандемија лаж. У Србији, међутим, лекари својом петицијом Уједињени против ковида траже одговорност тзв. ‘Кризног штаба’ (што је у реду), али погледајте њихов основни разлог:

„Потпуно попуштање противепидемијских мера у предизборном периоду (митинзи, утакмице, турнири, прославе и сл.) довело је до губитка контроле над епидемиолошком ситуацијом и то се никако не може оправдати стручним мотивима. Kонфузија поводом броја оболелих и преминулих је изазвана неслагањем са статистичким и епидемиолошким очекивањима, сазнањима из свакодневног рада, те контрадикторним изјавама у јавности.“

Они дакле сматрају да противепидемијске мере није требало попуштати, и да кризни штаб заправо крије број умрлих од Ковида. Невероватно! Идемо на објашњење зашто је то невероватно…


False media alert

Among the signatories of the above-mentioned petition was a young Serbian doctor, an epidemiologist with employment in the Netherlands, Ivana Prokić. In an interview with the globalist outlet N1, she stated that the April imprisonment of people in their homes and curfew in Serbia “was an absolutely wrong measure.”

Лажна медијска узбуна

Међу потписницима горе поменуте петиције, нашла се и млада српска лекарка, епидемиолог са запослењем у Холандији, Ивана Прокић. Она је у интервјуу глобалистичком гласилу N1 изјавила да је априлско затварање људи у куће и полицијски час у Србији „била апсолутно погрешна мера“.

Although her views are no less radical on certain issues, this seems to have been enough for a local mud slinging tabloid called “Alo” to attack Ivana. Of course, they did not attack her on the basis of professional mistakes, but in the most mundane way possible – in the ‘best’ manners of a mud slinging tabloid – by provoking: “What do you know when ‘your’ Netherlands has a much worse result”. And they even set up a ‘scoreboard’ with official data:

Иако ни њени ставови нису ништа мање радикални по одређеним питањима, ово је изгледа било довољно да Ивана дође под удар локалног блатоида под називом „Ало“. Наравно, нису је напали на основу стручних грешака, већ на најприземнији могући начин – у ‘најбољем’ стилу блатоида – провокацијом: „Шта ти знаш кад ‘твоја’ Холандија има много гори резултат“. И поставили су ‘семафор’ са званичним подацима:


Let’s analyze this table a bit. So, in the absence of the lethality of this ‘deadly disease’, the corporate media and accompanying mud tabloids have switched to expressing the number of dead in relation to one million inhabitants, because that way some small growth can still be noticed, enough to maintain the atmosphere of fear. But if we just look at the percentages…

Seasonal flu – World
900 per 1,000,000 inhabitants = 0.09%

Covid-19 – Serbia
71 per 1,000,000 inhabitants = 0.0071%

Covid-19 – Netherlands
359 per 1,000,000 population = 0.0359%

…we see that the death rate for Covid-19 is far, far smaller than seasonal flu. Actually, numbers clearly show that THERE IS NO PANDEMIC.

If we could not expect the tabloid media to tell us the truth, it is tragic that we can’t hear it from those who were educated to help people.

Анализирајмо мало ову табелу. Дакле, у недостатку смртоносности ове ‘смртоносне болести’, корпоративни медији и пратећи блатоиди прешли су на изражавање броја мртвих у односу на милион становника, јер тако још увек може да се забележи некакав мали раст, довољан за одржавање атмосфере страха. Али ако једноставно погледамо проценте…

Сезонски грип – Свет
900 на 1.000.000 становника = 0,09%

Ковид-19 – Србија
71 на 1.000.000 становника = 0,0071%

Ковид-19 – Холандија
359 на 1.000.000 становника = 0,0359%

…видимо да је стопа смртности од Ковида-19 много, много нижа него од сезонског грипа. Бројеви јасно показују како НИКАКВЕ ПАНДЕМИЈЕ НЕМА.

Ако од блатоида и нисмо могли очекивати да нам каже истину, трагично је што њу не можемо чути ни од оних који су се школовали да би људима помагали.

Unfortunately, this circus would not be possible in Serbia or anywhere in the world, if it was not consciously or unconsciously, still supported by most of the doctors. This truth requires active struggle, because if a lie becomes truth, then there is no going back…

Нажалост, овај циркус ни у Србији нити било где у свету не би био могућ да га свесно или несвесно, и даље не подржава већина лекара. Ова истина захтева активну борбу, јер ако лаж постане истина, онда више нема повратка…

Please, never forget Julian Assange /
Молим вас, не заборавите Џулијана Асанжа

* * *

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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 18 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


Pneumonia deaths in Brazil had a drop of a 30% from last year to now, and coincidentally, deaths from breath insufficiency also had a drop of 20 or 30 you can check on Google so this happening all over the world

if you check the data , same thing is happening in UK , United States

it’s obviously a hoax
the algorithm designed to calculate the number of deaths is made by a company funded by bill gates


the algorithm designed to calculate the number of deaths is made by a company funded by bill gates

I would say there is no algorithm, @xmauron3. It is simply corporate media psy-op – if you drop death figures every day from the early morning, you induce psychosis with viewers no matter what those numbers are.

But thank you for the Brazil data, although it would be much better if you have a direct link to the official Brazil state data.


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Just want to say that that graffiti is awesome.


Yes, it’s a moving graffiti, which means a lot of people should see it :)

Thank you very much for your support, @v4vapid.


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The hoax killed three of my uncles. But good to know it's not true.


Very sorry for your uncles, @meno. Could you please write a post on how is it certainly established that they have died because of it and not just with it. Don’t forget to mention their age and possible underlying diseases. I am still waiting a scientific evidence that someone have died from the virus alone. As Dr. Andrew Kaufman do. I also wonder what therapy did they get? Did you know that there are physicians around the world that are successfully treating this disease with a simple and proven therapy, but are restricted to corporate media and censored over the centralized media? Have you asked why do they forbid a discussion on the such important topic? Why are videos of Dr. Vernon Coleman taken down? Why such a massive campaign of corporate media lies if the virus is deadly? Why fake studies in Lancet? Why fake patients presented as doctors?

What would you do if you find out that your uncles have died because of wrong treatment for the wrong illnesses?

BTW, at the current moment, I have 11 members of my family that are tested positive with that faux tests for Covid-19. Some of them have recovered long ago, and six of them are still going through with mild symptoms, and will certainly be okay. But I had three of my relatives die in just four days in February 2017, long before the coronavirus hoax…

I wish you all the best and I hope you won’t be afraid, since fear destroys immune system.
