How Music Arose Around Fire in Nature?


Music is emitted in everything around us, in the spirit of nature and also in the soul of man, to be a great cosmic phenomenon that is able to address man and reach his deepest potentials, Since the creation of man on earth, he has felt the need for music. Music is rooted in the origin of nature, evolved with the development of civilized man and moved with his intellectual movements, so it interfered with his history, identity and myths and beliefs, to be inherent to him and to the cosmic existence from eternity.

There were many forms of music that had meanings with spiritual connections. Rhythms, melodies and tones linked to religious and belief rituals, and some researchers believe that people began to know music clearly from 9000 B.C.

From the episodes of fire was the beginning

The history of religious music began since the ancient man was dancing around the fire during his celebrations. When man realized this emotional role of music in the human psyche, he began using it for various purposes such as stimulating work or war as well as its ability to arouse feelings of enthusiasm and pleasure;
In Christianity, music is an important factor in rituals and ceremonies. Music that helps the listener to feel the sufferings and sufferings of Christ is used to live with his passion and mix with it.

In the past, the first civilizations, such as Sumerian and Babylonian, had left a prominent musical history by using advanced musical instruments during religious ceremonies in the ritual worship of the sun gods and fertility. All this shows the metaphysical importance of music since ancient civilizations and its close connection with the world of theology.

Religious interest in music was not limited to these civilizations only, but it also had the same importance in the civilizations of the southern Arabian Peninsula as well as among the ancient Arab man.

The Jews did not have music of their own, for their wide spread was to quote types of music from the societies and peoples that they became involved with. Their music changed from one Jewish group to another and from a historical stage to another. Singing and playing instruments, and after the demolition of the Temple, religious music began chanting and chanting in synagogues.

The Andalusian civilization also had a role in the musical influence of the Jews. In the tenth century, they used Arabic weights, stations, and tunes to chant and chant chants unlike Judaism, but the music in Christianity was not subject to the reservations of the clergy and their views.


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