Nature in Corona's time is a goal to be preserved


An expression of preserving the environment Preserving the environment is one of the most important things that must be adhered to, whether at the level of the individual or at the level of society, especially since the environment is all that surrounds the human person from plants, animals and inanimate objects, so that the person himself is one of the elements of the environment, and for all these elements Great importance and direct prejudice to people's daily life.

Therefore, preserving the environment is an urgent necessity that should never be tolerated. Because the disturbance of any of its elements causes a lot of negative harm to humans, as it causes countless serious diseases, and devastating environmental disasters that make the planet an unsafe place to live. The importance of preserving the environment emerges more than ever before, especially in light of the increasing number and diversification of pollutants, due to the great development in industries, construction, transportation sectors, fuel manufacturing and electricity production, and other reasons that increase the production of environmentally harmful materials.

Among the most prominent pollutants that cause environmental damage: toxic gases and fumes from factories, transportation, and various devices, which cause the ozone hole to widen, infiltrate a large amount of harmful ultraviolet rays, and cause acid rain, global warming, and sewage that pollutes the surfaces. Water and plants, chemical and organic fertilizers that cause soil pollution and change its properties, and other pollutants. The environment can be preserved by taking a number of measures, the most important of which are: dependence on renewable energy sources, which are clean energy sources that do not emit toxic gases and materials such as: solar, wind and water energy, and major factories must be obligated to find appropriate solutions to reduce the emission of toxic substances, Wastewater treatment in a sound and safe manner is not harmful to the environment.


At the same time, it is assumed that people are aware of the necessity of preserving the environment, spreading awareness programs through the audio-visual and print media, holding international conferences and activating the laws that these conferences produce and investing in reducing environmental pollution, and creating deterrent penalties for anyone who attacks any of the elements of the environment. Conservation of the environment can be achieved by increasing vegetation, caring for water sources and springs and not allowing contamination, creating natural reserves to preserve systems and biological species, recycling materials that can be used to reduce the volume of waste, activating the water harvesting process to prevent drought, and not using devices that produce Greenhouse gases, to minimize their emissions; Because preserving the environment begins with the commitment of each individual to his duty towards it.

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