Perennial Trees That Live More Than Humans


The legacy and the permanent trees stand as a watcher of our history, giving it a natural and social significance, as their places have formed an important aspect of the historical background of urban areas and the memory of society.

The recorded and permanent trees are a living guide and observer of human history and progress, so they are important milestones, for example, verifiable and archaeological landmarks.

There are many perennial trees that dot this planet, and a few trees reach a thousand years of age, they are an incredible encapsulation of memory and history, so they establish public fortunes that must be preserved and secured.

The ginkgo tree

The ginkgo tree, which in Chinese means, "silvery organic product," is one of the hardiest trees, and its future is more noteworthy than many different species. This native tree can live in China for more than 1,000 years.

Researchers recently found a mystery behind how old it is. Notably, these trees can provide artificial defenses that protect them from disease and droughts. They are also prepared to maintain a robust framework of protection as they take root.


Pine nuts tree

Priestlicon pine trees are among the most experienced living species on the planet. Among the most famous species on the planet is a tree called "Methocela", which is over 4,800 years old. The high future of this pine tree is due to the extreme conditions in which it develops. As these trees grow in high piles of California, Nevada and Utah in America, where harsh conditions lead to moderate growth of these trees making them dense and thick, and this protects them from rot, creeping creep and parasites.

Cryptomeria tree (Japanese cedar)

Cypress, or Japanese cedar (cryptomeria), is native to parts of China and southern Japan. These trees will generally develop in moderate winter climates, and some Japanese species are accepted to be more than 650 years old, and part of the trees that grow in China are about 1,000 years old.


Baobab tree

The African baobab tree (called the baobab in Sudan) is the most flowering living plant. It can live for more than 2,000 years, but until recently a great number of spicier trees of this species have moved in, and researchers accept that this is due to environmental change. This tree has many therapeutic and modern uses, among which is that the puree of its organic product contains more C nutrients than orange, its basic foundations are used to create the red color, and the bark of its trunk (bark) is used to make boxes and ropes.



There is enthusiasm from some specialists equipped, for example, regions, in perennial trees. Nevertheless, their perdition is faster than their development. Baobab, in addition, the advanced urban development has assumed an important function in the extermination of the timber of Samar and Baobab trees.

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