Identity & The Physical Attributes That's Assigned To It; Why We're More.


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Identity is something that does more than just "defines us" but then in an ever evolving world such as the one we find ourselves in, its often difficult to find ourselves especially when everything that sorrounds us is constantly changing, taking a different twist, a different twirl and turn. Most of the times I've struggled with understanding or recognising where I fit in. People, humanity always has this thing of putting people in seperate labels and sometimes this labels becomes a prerequisite which we often accept it's definition of what we're supposed to be, we coin it into our mindset thereby becoming a vague version of ourselves and this is why people live unfulfilling lives that's void of uniqueness, potentials or even creativity to a large extent.

One's identity is suppose to be who they are and this goes beyond their physical attributes or substantial outlooks. In life we're always quick to predict people's identity simply by looking at a particular label which we feel that represent. "oh that lady looks timid, she's not dressed boisterously hence she's not going to be intelligent or spark interest" or something like "oh he's fat he wouldn't be able to play football" however this assertions is one of the reasons why it's often difficult to ascertain identities, since a person feels and knows they're one thing, but others thinks they're a different thing entirely. It's always conflicting because almost everyone has had to change at one time or the other to suit a particular label

Because they want to be more reformed, more refined and more pruned to reach or attain a height of acceptability. But then sometimes the people we're trying to be in other to belong often limits the potentiality to what we might even become, there's no limit to how our identities can translate or transform to what people should see us at but then it's often confusing to be strange it's often stressful to stand out, nowadays uniqueness is often seen as weirdness and this because naturally people place a certain limitation to the human existence so much when there's something extraordinary about someone its often seen as strange, unaccounted for, unrelatable and largely unacceptable. But then should there be a limit to how we can express or exhibit our identities?

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Truth is, identification in our physical world is limited and this is because identity is acclamatised to some certain form of physical attribute which is only one form to express identity but not all. Names, country, sex, birthday, colour or race is of course the basic form of identification we know but this limits the way through which we can identify people. These basic forms of identification can constitute labeling. Now while labeling is another huge aspect or topic of discussion I rather say that sometimes there are peculiarities to people which they'll wish or want to be identified by but then sometimes no one wants to dwell on this. Like I said earlier our world is evolving and this means we will have lesser and lesser time to actually indulge in trying to know each other.

I believe that with each passing day, the love for technology and ephemeral indulgences will further divide people from essential fellowship with fellow humans. This means people will lose more and more for themselves and thereby having no time to understand the rampaging changes that affect them, their identities, their personalities and their lives in general. While there's a whole lot of physicality to what we term as identity, it's imperative to understand that no is actually limited to the physicality which they're know. Sometimes it's difficult to find oneself in the identity we're being recognised as. We've changed, the surrounding around us has changed, we ourselves has changed but then the identities that are relatable to us is still the same and this somehow truncates the fact that we sometimes contradicts the identities we carry when we're more than what we our Identities say we are.

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My name is @Josediccus, a young Nigerian student who is a Vlogger, A Psychologist, Poet And Sports Writer/Analyst. I'm using my contents as a process to create shared meaning as well as create expressions through which people on/off hive can relate. I believe content is a process to be enjoyed and relished and I'm up for any collaborations in my field stated above. Cheers

@Josediccus, your brother-in-pen & heart

I'm hoping to reach more people who are broken at heart and spirit, so share on any platform or reblog

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