ecoTrain Question Of The Week Season 7 #2: What are your favourite ways to show and receive gratitude?


What are your favourite ways to show and receive gratitude?

ecoTrain Question Of The Week Season 7 #2: What are your favourite ways to show and receive gratitude?

All of us live in human society and so all of us would have at one point in life gone through trying circumstances and received help in some form or other.
When I came across this Question of the week post done by @nainaztengra I felt I should also write about my experience.


There are trying experiences in life and in the year 2005, I also had one such experience when a life-threatening abortion made me a, back from death case. I have written about it earlier. Today, however, I will write about how my sister in law took leave from her office, left her small children and husband in another city and rushed to us and took care of the house, my small baby and also send us food to the hospital for so many days at a stretch. We did not even request her to come. She came on her own and also made sure she cleaned the house as well, considering that the house is a farmhouse and it is not easy to do it at all.
I will always be grateful for her timely help and also the words of comfort. She always helps others but not many return the favor but I hope she will get to see her son being employed in a good position.

Years passed and one day on the way to her office, she met with an accident and was admitted to the hospital. We were informed and rushed to her. She was to be operated and no one was with her. So, I opted to stay back and told the others to return home. Doing service to others has never been a problem for me, thanks to my parents who took me to Swamy who taught me that 'Manava seva is Madhava seva' She recovered soon. I am still grateful to God that I was able to help her in her time of need instead of forgetting her help when we needed it most.

It may not be surprising that she helped, being a relative after all but there were others too and none of them turned up anyway. So, only during such times, we will get to know who is the real friend and the one who is fake.


A friend in need is a friend indeed
