EcoTrain QOTW: What can we do differently so that people can understand us better?


This is my entry to @ecotrain.

What can we do differently so that people can understand us better.

If two twins are separated at birth and one twin is sent to Japan and the other to Marigüitar in the Gulf of Cariaco, Sucre state of Venezuela, if after 20 years they meet again, to begin with they speak two different languages ​​and have all an experience of the relationship they have had with other human beings from different cultures, they may be genetically identical but they will be culturally different.

Although we are different human beings there are similarities that make us similar.

It seems true to me that I verify almost every day that the perception of the world is different and varies from person to person but not totally, if it were a totally different perception of reality, communication would be impossible. In some way the other human beings that surround us condition and influence us in the way we perceive things, that is what makes an oriental have a way of expressing himself, of relating, even, it is recognized by his typical behavior of The Orientals, the same happens with the maracucho and the "Andean", we are conditioned to perceive reality according to the human group in which we are born and have developed,


I am Venezuelan and I express myself and perceive reality in a different way than what Suddenly, a Colombian or a Chilean does it, but we are all Latinos and in some way or another they see us Latinos, for example in the United States, all the same, it means that there is similarity in the way a Latino expresses himself and We see Europeans in a stereotyped way that we perceive thousands in the way they behave, that my similarity are general features of their culture.

Communication is conditioned by culture.

We are separated from reality but we are within reality.

Why are we separated from reality?

Because within what we can call real there are many things that we do not know, in the first place we do not have the possibility of perceiving everything that exists, everything that is, we always perceive a very small part that is conditioned in the first place by the place where we live, the country, state or province, for example, being born in Venezuela is not the same as being born in Switzerland. Latinos somehow resemble each other, to begin with we speak the same language, then there is the time in which we live, another factor that influences the perception of reality is the time, it is not the same to be born in the 20th century to a person that was born 10 centuries ago, that also makes the reality that we perceive different.

A psychologist friend said "Reality is what you want it to be" at first I did not understand it, but then I understood that each person is interpreting reality in their own way according to their personality and what we believe has to do with what they know. perceives with the influence of reading, with the people that we communicate that is conditioning what we perceive of reality.

Continuing with what the psychologist friend said, human beings really have different appreciations of things, but that does not make it possible for us to communicate, rather that makes it interesting that we are different between human beings,

communication becomes attractive by building a shared reality or a reality with differentiation because we do not agree with what the other says but we are building our perception of reality, being unique for each individual, the differences between people enrich communication that we are different is what makes interesting communication we are getting to know how the other is appreciating things as they are understanding them and that is forming us as human beings the more people we deal with, the greater the quality of our personality, of some it becomes more comprehensive because it has been fed with other perspectives.

One of the great advantages of the internet is that we can establish instant communication with people from anywhere in the world, even breaking the language barrier through simultaneous translations that opens up huge possibilities.


To communicate effectively we must be respectful, tolerant and we must understand that the other may have a different point from us by following a criterion without the need to reach the conflict but in a cordial way that is the best solution to communicate. Maintaining an open attitude will make a difference and enrich us because there are different ways in which people solve things that perhaps we do in different ways and point of view different from ours that we should not rule out beforehand. We also have to learn to listen and understand that the other person has their own criteria, history and experiences.
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I am @truelovemon, Mileidy. Lover of nature and everything that inhabits it. Passionate about photography, not only a click is enoughj, it is to see beyond your eyes, it is to fill you with the hidden beauty in the simple.

Soy @truelovemon, Mileidy. Amante de la naturaleza y de todo lo que la habita. Apasionado de la fotografía, no solo un clic es suficiente, es para ver más allá de tus ojos, es para llenarte de la belleza oculta en lo simple.


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Created by @derangedvisions


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