Happiness is all about 'perspectives'!


Happiness depends on 'how we see the world'. As simple as that. If we continuously compare, if we don't learn to be grateful for what we have then we will end up finding ourselves unhappy. And more importantly, we have to understand that happiness has no connection with money.



So, what can bring happiness in life?

Change your perspective!

Change the way you define happiness. If it's about money, if it's about social expectation, if it's about high personal demands; change it. We stuck thinking this or that will make us happy. It's okay to have designed, goals in life. But when we stuck ourselves in something we make it hard for us to be happy.

Let me give you a simple example!

Your goal is to become first in the exam. That's a good goal. But if you depend on this to be happy in the end then you must change your perspective. Because who knows after studying well well you may not become the first. Maybe the second. The second position is also not that bad. But as we stuck ourselves with a pre-determined mindset about happiness we make it hard to be happy.

Happiness is how we see things. If you have less money but more strength in your inner self, if you think you are a happy person then, believe me, you are the happy one. And maybe you have found many who have a huge amount of resources but not happy in life because of the perspective. Because they make it hard for them to be happy. Because they see the world differently, they treat life differently and end up being unhappy.

If you find it hard to bring happiness in you easily then think about what perspective of you making it hard to be truly happy. I think that's gonna help!
