Girls day out đź’„// Tarde de chicas![ENG/ESP]



Beautiful manicure // Hermosa manicure

What for most women is very normal, for me is something weird, this afternoon my sister invited me to a place, she told me to go with her because she was going to paint her nails, I went with her and my surprise was that she encouraged me to get a manicure, my first reaction was NO, because I've never done it!... I don't dare.... I don't have long nails... besides my fingers are horrible and crooked!

Lo que para la mayoría de las mujeres es muy normal, para mí es algo super raro, ésta tarde mi hermana me invitó a un sitio, me dijo que le acompañe que iba a pintarse las uñas, yo la acompañé y mi sorpresa fué que me motivó a que me hiciera la manicure , mi primera reacción fue NO, pues nunca lo he hecho!.. no me atrevo... No tengo uñas largas... además mis dedos son horribles y chuecos!


Getting out of my comfort zone was not easy at all, I felt very strange while someone was painting me, before starting the manicure they asked me what colour I wanted my nails to be? Of course none!... but I tried to be cordial and I started to choose the tones I liked the most.

Salir de mi zona de confort no fue nada fácil, me sentía muy extraña mientras alguien me pintaba, antes de comenzar el manicure me preguntaron que color deseaba que tuvieran mis uñas ? Por supuesto que ninguno!.. pero trato de ser cordial y comencé a elegir los tonos que más me gustaron


It was a good experience! I'm forty years old and it's my first manicure, I chose very soft tones, nothing invasive, I got short and beautiful simple nails. I felt that my very conservative essence was lost while they took my hand and painted it, I took it as a momentary challenge, then I will look pretty and it will be over!... I learned that changes in your life can happen from one moment to another unexpectedly, it is up to us to have a good attitude and take advantage of the opportunities that life offers you, there are always good things out there for us.... "It's time to get out of your comfort zone" ❤️

Fue una buena experiencia! Tengo cuarenta años y es mi primera manicure, elegí tonos muy suaves, nada invasivos , obtuve unas uñas sencillas cortas y hermosas. Sentía que mi esencia tan conservadora se perdía mientras tomaban mi mano y la pintaban, lo tomé como un desafío momentáneo, luego me veré linda y todo habrá terminado!... aprendí que los cambios en tu vida pueden suceder de un momento a otro de forma inesperada, queda de nuestra parte tener buena actitud y aprovechar las oportunidades que la vida te ofrece, siempre hay cosas buenas allá afuera para nosotros... "Es momento de salir de tu zona de confort" ❤️

The images were taken from my Redmi Xiaomi 8A phone // Las imágenes fueron tomadas desde mi teléfono Redmi Xiaomi 8A



See how beautiful your fingers are... Having siblings and friends who will pull us out of our comfort zone to have fun is super cool.


Yes, it really was a nice touch!



I came by to tell you merry christmas and happy holidays, still 6 days to go till the end of the year and start all over.
May all your dreams come true and thank you for blogging in the #loh
Ladies of hive , see you in the comments
