Expectation vs Reality/ Expectation vs Reality - Ladies of Hive Community Contest #26 [ENG-ESP]


Creo que lo primero que me hizo caer en la realidad fueron las residencias en la ciudad, antes de llegar tenia una idea totalmente diferente creo que era un poco inmadura aun, ya son casi 8 años viviendo en diferentes residencias y aprendiendo de cada una.

I think the first thing that made me fall into reality was the residences in the city, before arriving I had a totally different idea, I think it was still a bit immature, for almost 8 years living in different residences and learning from each one.


Algo que imaginaba maravilloso sobre todo por la televisión son las residencia durante la carrera y si bien no todos los lugares en los que ha vivido han sido malos podría decir que muchos no son tan idílicos, a veces la convivencia con otras chicas no resulta tan bien como uno pensaría sobre todo en lugares en los que conviven muchas personas.

Something that I imagined wonderful especially by television are the residences during the race and although not all the places where she has lived have been bad I could say that many are not so idyllic, sometimes living with other girls is not as good as one would think, especially in places where many people live together


En una de estos lugares fui hasta robada en mi mismo cuarto, no guardo ningún rencor, pero es terrible que otra chica te haga eso, también en esta misma residencia fui calumniada por otra residente, a pesar de estos casos hice buenas amigas en este lugar las cuales aun conservo, pero siempre hay algo que arruina la convivencia.

In one of these places I was even robbed in my own room, I do not hold a grudge, but it is terrible that another girl does that to you, also in this same residence I was slandered by another resident, despite these cases I made good friends in this place, but there is always something that ruins the coexistence.

En otros casos el problema son los caseros me he mudado en varias ocasiones y logro un poco describir su conducta, todo empieza muy bien parecen personas amables e incluso lograr tomarle algo de cariño, pero en un punto de la convivencia sale a relucir como son realmente.

In other cases the problem is the landlords, I have moved in several times and I have been able to describe their behavior, everything starts very well, they seem nice people and even manage to take some affection, but at a certain point in the coexistence it comes out how they really are.


Actualmente estoy en un buen lugar con buena gente y buenos amigos, creo que esta vez todo va a marchar mucho mejor.

I am currently in a good place with good people and good friends, I think that this time everything will go much better.

Todas las imágenes usadas en esta publicación son de mi autoría

¡Espero que les haya gustado esta publicación!

¡Muchas gracias por leer, hasta la próxima!

Hoping you liked this post!

Thank you very much for reading, see you next time!

firma whitesombra.png


Ni que lo digas @yetsimar muchas cosas haz pasado y superado, de las cuales solo fui testigo de algunas, pero lo bueno es que nada te ha detenido en tus metas, aun cuando el lugar en ese momento no fuera el ideal


Es cierto, han sido terrible varios lugares, pero no guardo rencor hacia esas personas o bueno no a la mayoría, supongo que tenian sus motivos a otros le atribuyo problemas mentales, para mi representan experiencia. :)


La convivencia siempre será un reto, @yetsimar. Solo tienes que aprender del pasado y no cometer los mismos errores. Saludos.


Es asi, y como relate hubieron muchisimas personas de las cuales me siento muy feliz de haber conocido en este trayecto a las cuales aprecio muchisimo, tanto compañeras residentes como caseros, no todo fueron mala experiencias y detodas he aprendido un poco <3


I can relate as a former Tenant long ago and why I made a life goal to be my own Home Owner way back. I had just got my first Job as a Nurse and it paid well enough that I could make longer termed plans. I had a few lucky breaks, some parental assistance and finally did it.
I don't think I have the same fortitude and grace as you do, I admire that.

Thanks for sharing @yetsimar 🤗


I am very happy for you @kerrislravenhill, I hope one day I will also have a place to call my home, and well, as for life as a resident, it really is a matter of adaptation, although this is not very good either because we can't get used to being treated badly.

I am flattered by your words, thank you very much!


You had a rough time with your housemates

Good to know that right now it is a happy ending and I really hope it stays that way

Thank you for sharing your experience with us


Yes, I hope it stays that way too, thank you very much for your comment <3


Finding a great place to settle and realize you are comfortable is not always what we originally thought or expected. Moving more than once is a reality in finding suitable accommodation.
