A Quick Recovery in The Market


Its rapid recovery in the market does not mean the rise of Bitcoin $ 2000, like the drop that occurred days ago, but at least when you open Coinmarketcap, you will find that the green color has begun to prevail, even if with slight increases.

On the morning of 9/9 trading, the price of digital currencies rose significantly, even if it was a small percentage, but it gives hope for more upcoming rise.
We have not seen a big rise in Bitcoin in a way that gives great profits to traders, but if you were trading one bitcoin, you would have won nearly $ 200.
It does not make a big difference for most traders, as most traders trade at prices less than 1000 dollars, even if the user has more than 1000 dollars in his account, it is as usual for traders to be divided between currencies.
And another point, too, even those who own bitcoin from the price of $ 10,000 last night will not sell at 10200 today and will wait to sell in the long term.

A quick look at the market

Regarding the first 100 currencies on Coinmarketcap, the YFI coin rose for the most, as it rose nearly 20% to $ 25700, as well as the Enjin coin, up about 16%.

Although these two increases do not constitute a large percentage of profit, as happened with the first 100 currencies of the Defi currencies, where, for example, the Swerve coin rose by 61%, so most traders try to risk buying Defi coins at a lower price due to the large rises that occur to it.

As for the loss, the Hyperion currency achieved the highest percentage of decline in the market by about -28%, while the decline of the remaining currencies did not exceed 2% after the slight rise that occurred today.

As for the Hive currency, despite the noticeable rise that rose by about 1.5%, it is still an excellent buying opportunity.

With the deadlock that hit the market, some people have turned to trading digital currencies in forex, exploiting simple highs and lows, as well as trading in binary options.


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