...and still keep thinking that the curation rewards should be reduced?


I am really amaze after reading the post written by @blocktrades regarding a proposal to reduce the curation rewards in order to discourage the use of auto-votes as a method of getting the highest ROI passively.
I don't like auto-votes, despite I use them on a few accounts as @runningproject in order to support and encourage the related community (Runners on Hive). In my opinion, I think, this is a good use of the so-called auto-votes as well...
The problem that seems to me that @blocktrades would like to fix is that there are many users that only care about their passive ROI without interacting at the blockchain neither discovering high quality content and so, by setting the auto-votes to vote only on the very same people, who used to be the ones that earn the most traditionally and independently of their shared content.

So, basically, they propose to reduce or remove the curation rewards to the point that no one will worry about maximising the obtained ROI in a passive manner in comparison with the manual curation which would mean the end of the gamification of the Curation rewards.

But man, there are simpler things we can do first before putting in place such a drastic measures... For instance:

This is the current stupid Rewarding Curation curve:


In grey there is the old linear curve and in blue we have the current non-linear curve

According to this curve, a post which earnings are above the 4$ point provides more rewards to both, author and curator, than a post below that point.

Yes, you have a PENALTY on your rewards if you vote a post of less than 4$ or a comment...

Instead, if you upvote a well-rewarded post you can get a higher part of the reward in comparison.

If I was a Passive investor, the first I would do now is to find authors with regular good rewards above that threshold and place my auto-vote on them, simple.

But also, if I was an active investor but with not so much time to read tenths of posts a day and upvote them according to my quality standards I would also manually curate those posts which were already above that threshold... are you catching me?

So, if you still ask why always the same people get the most in any post, think about this Stupid Rewarding Curve as a part of the reason...

Before trying to solve the problems by changing one of the reasons why people invest on HIVE and stake it, which is the CURATION, just try to balance this stupid curve first , back to the old Linear Curve and allowing that COMMENTS and so, engagement on the blockchain worth anything.



If there are accidents in the highway, you don't destroy them, you avoid stupid drivers to use them. :)
