splinterlands daily swearfest - day 14 - finish Earth quest


starting points 2354 - finishing points 2326 (well, i only got fucked out of 30 points instead of 300)

picking up where i left - first match of the day is a fucking loss to a level 1 llama w/kron

the high level fuckers are still here - nothing like a fucking never-ending losing streak

annnndd there's the first 3 in a row losng streka of the day - i only need to get fucked out of another 100 points to go back to gold 3

this is getting to be such fucking bullshit

another fucking llama with kron - fucke me - won't be making any fucking progress today unless it's fucking backwards

another fucking day of losing - fucking great

finally - got some cards after weeks of not seeing shit

the only reaso n i keep playing this stupid fucking game is to sell $dec at this point

*(this account is for entertainment purposes only - please consult a mental health professional if you consider taking any of this seriously)
