Splinterlands Battles with the ArmorSmith



The Armorsmith is a card that one was very feared. It can still be very good in a battle for sure. Repair was an ability that he brought into the game. It is great in no healing matches but I didn't get one to show off today. Still, I had some fun using this team. Armor is still very strong and it a great part of the game. Life is now a team that can run 3 guys with repair. So we are going to have to learn how to get around that. You can check out my video on 3speak, Libary, Uptrennd or Dtubeif you prefer. I also use youtube for now but get nothing, unlike the others. If you want to help me spread the word feel free to follow me on the other platforms mainly Libary to get us more views there.

(Unsupported https://lbry.tv/$/embed/Splinterlands-Shard-Your-Battle-Challenge-Armorsmith-Time/7feabadc4e46e879c793137976e395a571ebf920)

I hope you had a bit of fun if you watched. It was fun to make the video again. I hope that you take the time to enter the challange. I am sure some of you got a better fight than I did. If you are not playing yet now is a good time to join us They have some updates to the game that should improve it and add more sinks for DEC. That is a big deal as we might be making more just for playing this fun game. You will want to own some of the lands in this game for sure.
